🐞 Autodesk Single Sign-On (SSO) is bypassed!
Good morning dear community 🙂,
As some of you may have noticed in the last few weeks, Autodesk has rolled out a login function (single sign-on (SSO)) for Fusion 360 with the April 2023 update ...
The image was created by: © 2022 Autodesk Inc.
With this new feature, the user now clicks a button during the login process and a separate web browser is opened in which they must continue the login process. If the login was successful there, it switches back to Fusion 360 and you are logged in and can continue working with Fusion 360. 🗝
However, this new feature is not properly supported under Wine! ⚠️
So that you can still use Fusion 360 on Linux, some people from the community and I have selected and frozen the installer (May 2023 update) of Fusion 360 for future installations on Linux. ↩️
Unfortunately, however, all newer functions from the April 2023 update cannot currently be used! ⛔
But don't worry, we're looking for a solution! ⚙️
And now you can continue working with Fusion 360 on Linux. ✅
And at this point many thanks again to the following people from the community who made this workaround possible:
- @alextrical ❤️️
- @dzervas ❤️️
- @dumbnerd08 ❤️️
- @fabianmuehlberger ❤️️
- novie ❤️️