This repository contains a simple python script that takes the header of a BAM (or SAM) file created by Salmon (Patro et al., 2017) and generates a refFlat file based on the target contigs (ignores "decoy" sequences if present). This refFlat file can then be used in conjunction with the Picard tool CollectRnaSeqMetricx in order to gather data required to a plot a normalised gene body coverage plot.
You will need Python and samtools installed and on the PATH. -b <BamFile> -o <OutputFile>
There are two example bam files in example_data. One is from a good quality library and the other from a library with severe RNA degradation.
To test the script: \
-b test_data/Good_Sample.bam \
-o refFlat.txt
We can then use this refFlat file in conjunction with Picard's
to generate data for a gene body coverage plot:
java -jar picard.jar CollectRnaSeqMetrics \
INPUT=test_data/Good_Sample.bam \
OUTPUT=Good_Sample.RNAseq_metrics.txt \
REF_FLAT=refFlat.txt \
java -jar picard.jar CollectRnaSeqMetrics \
INPUT=test_data/Degraded_Sample.bam \
OUTPUT=Degraded_Sample.RNAseq_metrics.txt \
REF_FLAT=refFlat.txt \
From these we can generate coverage plots for our two samples using an R script.
This should generate the file "images/Coverage_plots.png" with the following plot:
The coverage traces generated are not as smooth as we normally expect as the two example bam files have been downsampled to just 1.5-1.8 million reads, so that they are small enough to include in the repository.
Patro, R., Duggal, G., Love, M. I., Irizarry, R. A., & Kingsford, C. (2017). Salmon provides fast and bias-aware quantification of transcript expression. Nature Methods.