This is just some example how to use cmake, C++, Objective-C, Swift and Java together with djinni. It does nothing interesting or useful, just demonstrate a possible project setup.
Early state, just MacOS support, since it's more Objective-C / Swift focused.
Install conan, if you do not have it already
Clone this directory and change into it
git clone
cd xlcpp-hello
Install dependencies:
conan install -if build conanfile.txt --build missing
This will download the djinni generator and the support-lib from the conan center index. The support-lib needs to be build, because this example activates multiple language bindings at once.
Build the project
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build build
Run the test
cmake --build build --target test
Now you can start playing with the code and build.
The usage of the djinni generator is opinionated. All public headers are generated into an extra folder, cmake install and so a binary delivery could easily be done.
The file generation happens during cmake configure time. If you change the djinni idl file, the output folder (generated) will be removed, and all files will be re-generated. This ensures no artifacts stay on disk after renaming a class.
A file is generated into the build folder, setting some variable names, and this file gets included. The variable names contain the source files, they re added to the library target.
For the rest, it's best to look at the source and the cmake files, it's tried to be kept as simple as possible.