A library of reusable Three.js components that you can play with.
Over the years, I have gathered Three.js examples from various sources and modified them to be reusable.
Unlike other cool Three.js examples that you can just look at, here you can combine different elements and create new scenes. To begin with, you can replace any model or character in these examples.
I hope you will have as much fun as I did making this.
Developed by mudroljub.
npx live-server
optimize build
test on mobile
- joystick:
- doesn't return to its place after release
- goth-girl: second attack btn out of screen
- nazi-officer: special btn out of screen
- random-boxes: jump is not working while walking
- spomeniks:
- buttons too small (maybe elsewhere also, find a cause)
- add preloader
- fps-airport: press to start not working
- joystick:
fix lights (broken after three.js update)
fix shadows (broken after three.js update)
add sources for some examples
write documentation
Examples are from theese great books and tutorials:
- 3D Game Programming for Kids (Chris Strom)
- Interactive 3D Graphics (Eric Haines)
- Three.js tutorials by example (Lee Stemkoski)
- WebGL and Three.js Fundamentals (Alex Mackey)
- Examples created by Yomotsu using THREE.js (Akihiro Oyamada)
- Learning Threejs (Jos Dirksen)
- Essential Three.js (Jos Dirksen)
- Three.js Cookbook (Jos Dirksen)
- How to Design 3D Games with Web Technology - Book 01: Three. Js - HTML5 and WebGL (Jordi Josa)
Free 3D Models are from:
- 3dwarehouse.sketchup.com
- sketchfab.com
- turbosquid.com
- mixamo.com
- archive3d.net
- rigmodels.com and other respected sites.
Game UI: https://ronenness.github.io/RPGUI/
If I have missed some source, please let me know. I've been following various books, courses, repositories and other materials related to Three.js for 10 years, I don't even know where I found something anymore.