This is a simple MQTT client running on a Raspberry PI PICO W. It periodically reads temperature from an mcp9808 sensor and publishes the reading to an MQTT server.
It is intended to run from battery. My hardware setup has it running from 2 AA alkaline batteries. Depending on the battery brand used it runs 2 to 4 weeks. I'd like to do better and am working to reduce power further. I use this as part of my home automation system.
I am trying many different techniques to reduce power usage. I have not measured the actual power reduction for each. I ordered a precision USB power meter. Once I have it I can measure the changes and report my findings here.
I am sharing this to provide a simple example using the code in my repo RP2-PowerControl. Go look at that repo for more information. It is an alternative to using machine.lightsleep() plus other capabilities.
I am a novice python coder. I know this code could be better but I think there is value sharing it as is.
This application runs unattended. I've tried to make it as robust as I can. I make use of the RP2040 watchdog timer to detect when the code might get stuck and restart micropython to recover.
To use this application you will need the files and from my repo RP2-PowerControl. Also, you will need to modify the file to include your WIFI and MQTT info.