Hello! This is the Project 2 repository for group 21 in ECE461 in Fall 2021.
Production RESTful API BASE URL: https://project-2-project-2-21-fhncurancq-uc.a.run.app
/server/: Contains the RESTful API
Source/App: Contains the server code to implement route handling.
Source/Run: Contains the executable to host the server.
Tests: Contains the unit tests that check the implemented routes.
/scoring/: Contains scripts related to scoring functions and test code.
install.py: Installs dependencies based on depend.txt. perform.py: Contains functions implementing scoring functions. test.py: Unit-test module to test perform.py.
/authenticate/ : Contains authentication scripts and test code.
authenticate.py: Contains functions related to registration and deletion of admins and users. authenticate_test.py: Unit-test module to test authenticate.py.
/frontend/: Contains front-end contents implementing Django.
/ingest/: Contains ingestion scripts and test code.
ingest.py: Contains functions relation to ingestion and management of local and remote repositories. ingest_test.py: Unit-test module to test ingest.py packages/: Contains ingested package zip files