Hi! I'm Cosmo, the author of the UK's strongest chess program.
I'm interested in chess, reinforcement learning, neural networks, machine learning more generally, and I'm a big fan of the Rust programming language.
I'd recommend you check out some of my favourite projects:
- first and foremost, Viridithas, my chess-playing program, which competes at the Top Chess Engine Competition and chess.com's Computer Chess Championship, and places highly on many public rating lists, such as
- The Computer Chess Rating List (40/15, Blitz, and Chess960)
- Stefan Pohl's Computer Chess
- Ipmanchess
- iridium-oxide, a general game playing program (GGP) using Monte-Carlo Tree Search.
- rustbrot, a mandlebrot set renderer using Rust's support for easy bug-free multithreading.
- my variable-size sudoku solver which can solve 4x4, 9x9, 16x16, and 25x25 sudokus.
- wikipath, a program that plays the Wikipedia Speedrun game, using levenshtein distance and word2vec cosine similarity.