Shiny dashboard showing the latest currency information and calculating the ROI
- 以互動式圖表呈現近三個月的匯率資料
- 以互動式圖呈現外幣存款牌告利率
- 比較當日與前一週的即期賣出價格
- 如果手上已經持有外幣,可以計算現在脫手的投資報酬率
- httr、rvest:抓取網頁資料並轉為R資料格式
- plotly、ggplot2:互動式視覺化
- shiny、shinydashboard:互動式介面
# 複製美金匯率網址
cur.url <- ""
# 以下coding有使用pipe operator
# GET the information from the webpage
currency <- httr::GET(cur.url) %>%
# Retrieve the content of the request as text
httr::content("text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
# Read html
xml2::read_html(encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
# Extract html element (table in this case)
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "//table") %>%
# Parse the html table into a data frame
# The default webpage headers are messed up
rvest::html_table(header = FALSE, fill = TRUE) %>%
# . means this item
.[[1]] %>%
.[-(1:2), -(7:9)]