Existing ingresses that don't have an "ingress.class" will be fought over by a second ingress controller, with a constant fight between controllers to own the ingress.
Add an annotation with the right annotation - "gce" if hosted in Google Cloud. The following will generate commands that you can run:
INGRESS="$(kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\t"}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.metadata.annotations}{"\n"}{end}' | grep -v kubernetes.io/ingress.class)"
if [ -n "$INGRESS" ]; then echo $INGRESS | cut -f1,2 | awk '{print "kubectl --namespace="$1" annotate ingress "$2" kubernetes.io/ingress.class=gce"}'; fi
To generate a self signed certificate for the domain name you wish to assign to the cluster where the nginx ingress controller is deployed:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout star.foo.continuouspipe.net.key -out star.foo.continuouspipe.net.crt -subj "/CN=*.foo.continuouspipe.net/O=CP"`
Base64 the contents of both the certificate and key, e.g.:
base64 star.foo.continuouspipe.net.key
base64 star.foo.continuouspipe.net.crt
Update the values in ingress-controller/deployment.yml
with the base64 key and certificate values.
Deploy a default backend to serve if no server is found for a given hostname:
kubectl create ns continuouspipe-system
kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system create -f default-backend/service.yml
kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system create -f default-backend/deployment.yml
Deploy the ingress controller:
kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system create -f ingress-controller/nginx-load-balancer-conf.yml
kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system create -f ingress-controller/service.yml
kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system create -f ingress-controller/deployment.yml
The wildcard DNS should point to the external IP exposed for the service of the ingress controller:
$ kubectl --namespace=continuouspipe-system get service nginx-ingress-controller -o yaml
- ip: *.foo.continuouspipe.net