The purpose of this repository is to store all the ContinuousPipe's Docker images. These images are used for internal services and for the application templates.
- Drupal 7 or 8
- eZ Platform 6.x
- General PHP
- Magento 1
- Magento 2
- Symfony - NGINX or Apache with PHP 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1)
- Piwik
We try to follow best practises when creating shell scripts and Dockerfiles.
To help aim for this, we use the following tools:
- shellcheck - checks syntax and best practises for shell scripts
- hadolint - checks syntax and best practises for Dockerfiles
- BATS - unit tests for bash scripts
- Integration tests using docker-compose and shell scripts
To run all of these tools, you can use the helper script in the project root: