Injects doppler secrets into your neovim environment based on the doppler configs for the project.
Lazy.nvim is a plugin manager that allows you to load plugins on demand. To install this plugin, add the following to your init.lua
return {
dependencies = {
Sometimes your tests require environmental secrets.
This plugin allows you to automatically inject them into your neovim environment when launching neovim inside of a known doppler project.
The following is the structure of the project.
├── lua
│ ├── doppler
│ │ └── module.lua
│ └── doppler.lua
├── Makefile
├── plugin
│ └── doppler.lua
├── tests
│ ├── minimal_init.lua
│ └── doppler
│ └── doppler_spec.lua
Tests in Github actions :) Automatic Doc Generation 😄