What's Changed
- Bug/Thread Pool commit by @nickmango in #4074
- Feature/Docusign Authentication by @nickmango in #4085
- Bug/Docusign private Key by @nickmango in #4086
- cypress init by @thakurveerendras in #4083
- Cypress GitHub organizations by @thakurveerendras in #4088
- [#3970] Feature/Docusign Oauth Implementation by @nickmango in #4089
- add cypress test case for github-repositories services by @thakurveerendras in #4090
- Cypress foundation by @thakurveerendras in #4091
- add cypress test case for events services by @thakurveerendras in #4092
- Cypress schema validate by @thakurveerendras in #4093
- Cypress schema validate by @thakurveerendras in #4094
- Added cypress test case for cla-manager API by @thakurveerendras in #4098
- [#3970]Feature/Docusign Auth Module by @nickmango in #4100
- Bug/docusign-esign package by @nickmango in #4101
- Removed docusign-esign package for oauth flow by @nickmango in #4102
- [#3970,4002] Bug/Docusign Authentication flow by @nickmango in #4103
- Added cryptography package in the serverless path by @nickmango in #4104
- Added cryptography package in GH Actions deployment by @nickmango in #4105
- Bug/Cryptography binary package by @wanyaland in #4106
- Bug/Cryptography setup by @nickmango in #4107
- Bug/Installation of cryptography by @nickmango in #4108
- [#3970,4002] Bug/Cryptography Integration by @nickmango in #4109
- Added python requirements config for setting up cryptography by @nickmango in #4110
- Removed crypt package - to be deployed as layer by @nickmango in #4111
- Added cypress test case for metrics API by @thakurveerendras in #4112
- Resolved Go Lint Issues by @dealako in #4113
- CI/CD - ECR/ECS Python Deployment Test by @dealako in #4114
- Feature/revert dockerization by @nickmango in #4126
- Cypress app config by @thakurveerendras in #4127
- Added cypress test case for githubActivity API by @thakurveerendras in #4115
- Cypress test case for gitlab-organizations by @thakurveerendras in #4128
- Cypress gitlab repositories by @thakurveerendras in #4130
- Added cypress test case for cypress-signatures API by @thakurveerendras in #4138
- Cypress version by @thakurveerendras in #4141
- Added cypress test case for cypress-health API by @thakurveerendras in #4140
- Cypress docs by @thakurveerendras in #4139
- [$4002] Feature/doc sign go by @nickmango in #4142
- [#4002] Docusign API - Golang by @wanyaland in #4149
- Lint Issues by @nickmango in #4150
- fixed private key lambda issue by @nickmango in #4151
- no security set for icla sign endpoint by @nickmango in #4152
- [#4002]Feature/docusign go api by @nickmango in #4155
- Feature/docusign go api by @nickmango in #4153
- [#4002]Feature/Docsign intgeration Lint by @nickmango in #4156
- Feature/docusign go api ccla by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4157
- Fix/multi commit issue by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4163
- Fix/multi commit issue by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4164
- Bug/Docusign Golang Integration by @nickmango in #4162
- Bug/Env Variables for Docusign by @nickmango in #4165
- Feature/Docusign Account ID by @wanyaland in #4166
- increased limit of threadpool workers by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4167
- upgrade dynamodb read limit by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4168
- Bug/Docusign Integration by @nickmango in #4169
- Bug/ICLA signature by @nickmango in #4170
- Feature/Docusign callbacks by @nickmango in #4171
- Feature/Docsign Payload by @nickmango in #4177
- Bug/docusign envelope request by @nickmango in #4178
- Fixed lint issue for docsign documentID by @nickmango in #4179
- Bug/Random generator by @nickmango in #4180
- Bug/callback URL by @nickmango in #4181
- Bug/Docsign return URL by @nickmango in #4182
- Bug/document version by @wanyaland in #4185
- Bug/Docusign webhook content type by @wanyaland in #4186
- Bug/Lint by @wanyaland in #4187
- Docusign Webhook Payload by @wanyaland in #4188
- Gofmted /v2/sign/service file by @nickmango in #4189
- Webhook Payload by @nickmango in #4190
- fixed issue on request ccla function by @umeshlumbhani247 in #4172
- Feature/Docusign webhook by @wanyaland in #4196
- Docusign Callback URL by @nickmango in #4198
- Feature/Docusign Request by @nickmango in #4199
- Bug/Docusign Webhook Signature Update by @nickmango in #4200
- Feature/Docusign prefill by @nickmango in #4203
- Feature/CCla callback by @nickmango in #4204
- [#4202] Bug/Cla_group CRUD APIs by @wanyaland in #4208
- Feature/Docusign callback URL by @nickmango in #4213
- Bug/ICLA Duplicates by @nickmango in #4215
- Bug/Sign Process by @nickmango in #4217
- Feature/GSI for signature query by @nickmango in #4218
- Feature/Signature test cases by @nickmango in #4219
- Bug/Gitlab Sign Flow by @nickmango in #4220
- Bug/Gitlab Callback by @nickmango in #4223
- Bug/Request Employee Signature by @nickmango in #4224
- [#4225,#4228] Bug/Incorrect date format for ccla by @nickmango in #4232
- [#3897]Feature/ICLA and ECLA use case by @nickmango in #4234
- [#4084] Bug/Dissassociate gh org by @nickmango in #4233
- [#4084]Bug/Github Org Delete by @nickmango in #4237
- [#4084] Bug/Mock Repositories Unit Test by @nickmango in #4239
- [#4002] Feature/Gerrit Sign by @nickmango in #4241
- [#4087] EasyCLA check fails with multiple commits in a PR
Full Changelog: v2.0.149...v2.0.150