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GRPC Service Generator

Build Service Template


Note: Install the following before you can use the template generator.

GRPC Client

Workspace Setup

Note: You can ignore this step if you already set it up

  • Set up Workspace
mkdir <workspace_root>
cd <workspace_root>
  • Update workspace Cargo.toml file content below.

Note: The workspacer command above would generate this Code on Cargo.toml

resolver = "2"
members = [
    # add here services here after you generated it
    auth, # example service

or you can download and install workspacer cli and use it to manage your workspace

mkdir <workspace_root>
workspacer init
# by default it has the server in the member
# to add more services
worspacer add services/auth
# you can also remove service
workspacer rm service/auth
# to view all current members of workspace
workspacer ls

Example Workspace Tree Structure

workspace (root)
├── Cargo.toml
├── backend (server_template)
├── frontend (dioxus_template)
└── services (service_template)
    └── <service_name>
        ├── proto
        │  └── <service_name>.proto
        ├── src
        │    ├── <> (generated with cargo build)
        │    ├── <>
        │    └──
        ├── cargo-generate.toml
        └── Cargo.toml
  • Create the Server
cd <workspace_root>
cargo generate --git codeitlikemiley/server_template --name server

Favorite The template

~/.cargo/cargo-generate.toml if this file dont exist please create it first touch ~/.cargo/cargo-generate.toml

  • Create Folder for Templates
cd ~/.cargo
mkdir templates
cd templates
git clone
git clone
gh_username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
ide = "none|vscode"

path = "/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.cargo/templates/services_template"

path = "/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.cargo/templates/server_template/"
  • Generate Server and Services template with short cut
cargo generate services --name auth
cargo generate server --name server

Usage: Generating a new GRPC Service from the template

  • Change directory to the services directory.
cd <workspace_root>/services
  • Generate a new GRPC Service.
cargo generate --git codeitlikemiley/services_template --name auth

Test your Service with GRPC Client

  1. Run Server
cargo run -p server
  1. Use grpcurl Client

To invoke the specific rpc method use the following command

grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./services/auth/proto -proto auth.proto -d '{"name": "Tonic"}' '[::1]:50051' auth.AuthService.Login

example output:

  "message": "Hello Uriah!"

Note: that the example auth.AuthService.Login is the package_name.ServiceName.MethodName from the auth.proto file


package auth;

service AuthService {
  rpc Login (LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {}

Pull Requests

If you need to make changes to the template, please submit a pull request.

Learning Resources

For more info how to use cargo-generate check this link

Learn about Liquid Templating here

To learn more about Rust Tonic click this link

Learn more about Embedded Scripting for Rust here , link for LSP on vscode

Example usage of Rhai Scripting on the template here