A native phone app that shows the bike routes in Eau Claire
- iOS
- Android
Full screen map
- Display routes from data in /data
- Legend with the following checkboxes to toggle data off and on
- Easy routes
- Moderiate routes
- Difficult routes
- With usual controls map will give us
- Hopefully a 'show my location' button
- Why
- One code base
- Native performance
- Industry leaning this way
- Specific
- Option 1: lelandrichardson/react-native-maps (Other Overlays)
- Option 2: https://github.com/mapbox/react-native-mapbox-gl Mapbox platform is awesome! I haven't used this project yet but if it is anything like their other tools it will rock. The free licensing tier would give us 50,000 mobile users/month, so should be good there.
- Option 3: ??? Research more ???
- Why
- Easy hosting
- We don't need complexity of client-server architechture
- Data doesn't change often
- Data is small enough to load all at once
Bicycle route data was gathered by a collaberative group and made accessible to us to do something awesome with.