SpringFX it's a small framework that allow you to use Spring Boot framework with JavaFX to build desktop Java applications. Not only facilitating the use of Spring features on JavaFX, the framework also provide the following functionalities:
- Spring Dependency Injection for JavaFX controllers with the ViewContext component.
- Multiple screens and flow handling with ViewStage component.
- Build in Animation system with popular effects inspired by Animate CSS, provided by AnimationBuilder component.
- Two new JavaFX transitions: SkewTransition and SizeTransition.
- Common ease Penner equations inspired by Ceaser Project, provided by EaseInterpolator component.
- Icon mipmap utility for loading multiple image sizes to JavaFX Stage icons.
- System icon tray utility.
- Dialog builder for easy construction of JavaFX Alerts.
- Validation system for integration with Hibernate Validation.
This library still on beta state, so the API is subject to changes that break compatibility to previous beta versions.