This home for this project is located at
This application and included library provide computer control for the YAESU FT-8900r radio by pretending to be the detached control head of the radio. This is done by attaching a serial device to the connecting serial control lines.
You can read the full writeup for this project here
Currency this application can be used to set and get both VFO's:
- Frequency
- Volume
- Squelch
- Transmission Power
- Push-to-talk
- "Main" status
- Busy status
Usage: rt8900c [OPTION...] <serial port path>
Provides serial control for the YAESU FT-8900R Transceiver.
-d, --dtr-on Use the DTR pin of the serial connection as a
power button for the rig. (REQUIRES compatible
--hard-emulation Exactly emulates the radio head instead of being
lazy_sending (worse performance, no observed
benefit, only useful for debugging)
-v, --verbose[=LEVEL] Produce verbose output add a number to select
level (1 = ERROR, 2= WARNING, 3=INFO, 4=ERROR,
5=DEBUG) output default is 'warning'.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
During runtime type help to get a description of available commands
# ubuntu
sudo apt install cmake git build-essential
# fedora
sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
git clone <this repo url> rt8900c
cd rt8900c
cmake .
make rt8900c
cmake .
make test
Or for verbose output
sudo apt install doxygen
doxygen Doxyfile
Current HTML version is also hosted at
- CmakeLists build files taken from this example