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MyBeem (an IPFIX exporter implemented in C language) represents the lowest component of the SLAmeter network traffic measurement/monitoring tool. MyBeem captures packets from the interface card and orgnaises them into flow records. Flow records are containers that carry the properties (e.g. the total number of bytes of all packets belonging to a certain flow) and characteristics (e.g. source IP address) of the flow. The architectue of the exporter is as follows:

The flow records are generated by one or more metering processes. The metering process consists of a set of functions including packet capture, filtering, timestamping, sampling, classification and creating/maintaining flow records in the flow cache. Network traffic monitoring is based on the analysis of the exported flow records. The export of flow records represents a push-based mechanism, where the data are transmitted from the exporter(s) to the IPFIX collector(s) over either the TCP, UDP or SCTP protocol.

MyBeem is in full conformity with IPFIX, Netflow and PSAMP. It is a command-line application without any GUI. It provides logging on various levels (info, warning, debug, etc.) that are shown in the terminal. MyBeem was developed using open-source technologies.

  • Latest version: 1.1-9

  • Version state: stable, the development was concluded in 2015

  • Developers:

    • Dávid Farkas
    • Samuel Tremko
    • Tomáš Kecsey
    • Adrián Pekár
    • Ľuboš Husivarga
    • Viliam Lorinc
  • License: GNU GPLv3

  • Implementation environment: C programming language in GNU/Linux environment


The documentation is available only in Slovak language:

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System Requirements

  • Operating System: GNU/Linux i386 or amd64 architecture

  • Hardware:

    • processor: 1GHz+ (depends on the traffic load to measure)
    • memory: 512MB+ (depends on the configure cache size)
    • size on disk: 10MB
    • other: network interface card (NIC)
  • Software:

    • libpcap-dev version 0.8.3
    • libxml2-dev version 2.6.23
    • openssl-dev version 0.9.1
    • libsctp-dev version 1.0.9
    • libxml2-utils version 2.7.8
    • nDPI version 1.5.2 (requires gawk, gcc, autoconf, build-essential, and libtool packages)

Installation using the .deb package

Installation on i386 architectures:

1. Download the package:
wget --no-check-certificate
2. Install the package:
sudo dpkg -i mybeem_1.1-9_i386.deb

Installation on amd64 architectures:

1. Download the package:
wget --no-check-certificate
2. Install the package:
sudo dpkg -i mybeem_1.1-9_amd64.deb

Manual installation

1. Install the following dependences:
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libsctp-dev libsctp-dev libssl0.9.8 libsctp-dev libxml2-utils gawk gcc autoconf build-essential libtool
2. Download nDPI v1.5.2:
wget --no-check-certificate
3. Install nDPI v1.5.2:
sudo su
tar zxvf nDPI_1.5.2.tar.gz
cd nDPI
make install
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
4. Download the source code:
wget --no-check-certificate
5. Compile the code:
cd mybeem-master/src/mybeem
6. Change the name of the binary executable (due to historical naming convention):
mv beem mybeem
7. Create the required directories:
sudo mkdir /var/log/mybeem
sudo mkdir /etc/mybeem
8. Copy the files to the directories:
sudo cp mybeem /usr/sbin/
sudo cp config.xml /etc/mybeem/
sudo cp mybeemd /etc/init.d/

Run the program

After installation the program can be run using the following command:

sudo ./beem -c config.xml

or using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/mybeemd start

Description of command line parameters

Using these command-line parameters the program can be also configured without the change of the configuration file. The parameters that can be changed in command-line are as follow:

Parameter Description
-v shows the program version
-h shows basic information
-p [PROTO TYPE] sets the protocol to the one specified in [PROTO TYPE]
-i [INTERFACE] sets the interface to the one specified in [INTERFACE]
-c [CONFIG FILE] sets the configuration file to the one specified in [CONFIG FILE]
-l [LOG FILE] sets the log file to the one specified in [LOG FILE]
-pc [PCAP FILTER] sets the PCAP file to the one specified in [PCAP FILTER]
-po [PORT NUMBER] sets the port number to the one specified in [PORT NUMBER]
-ho [HOST IP] sets the host IP address to the one specified in [HOST IP]
-llvl [LOG LEVEL] sets the log level to the one specified in [LOG LEVEL]
-opid [OBSERVATION POINT ID] sets the observationPointID to the one specified in [OBSERVATION POINT ID]
-odid [OBSERVATION DOMAIN ID] sets the observationDomainID to the one specified in [OBSERVATION DOMAIN ID]
-logserv turns on logging on the syslog server when using the configuration in the config.xml file
-logprot [PROTOCOL TYPE] sets the protocol for sending syslog messages to the one specified in [PROTOCOL TYPE]
-logaddr [IP ADDRESS] sets the IP address of syslog server to the one specified in [IP ADDRESS]
-logport [PORT NUMBER] sets the port for the communication with the syslog server to the one specified in [PORT NUMBER]
-aggreg sets the process of aggregation in the program

Description of the configuration file

The program can be configured using the config.xml configuration file. The parameters of this file and their description is as follow:

Parameter Description
configuration root label for all configurations in the configuration file
observationPointId unique ID of the observation (measurement) point (integer in the range of 1-32767)
observationDomainId unique ID of the observation (measurement) domain (positive integer)
readfile if true, then packets will be read from the file. if false, then packets will be sniffed from NIC
dumpFile name of the file to read from when readfile is set to true
interface interface from which packets are going to be captured
pcapFilter BPF filter type for packet filtering
flows (sub)label for flow related configuration
biflows sets the direcation of flow measurement, false-uniflow, true-biflow
passiveTimeout time in miliseconds for passive timeout. Passive timeout is the time after its expiration the flow is considered to be expired if no packets belonging to the flow have been observed.
activeTimeout time in miliseconds for active timeout. Active timeout is the time that expires the flows on a regular basis even if there is a continuous flow of packets belonging to the flow.
sampling (sub)label for flow related configuration
type integer in the range of 0 to0 5 that specifies sampling
parameter1 first parameter for the sampling function
parameter2 second parameter of the sampling function
templates (sub)label for template related configuration
template (sub)label for configuration of one specific template
field definition within one template using the elementID of the information element (see [IPFIX Information Elements][]). If this element is enterprise related, the field is set together with the enterpriseID.
mediator (sub)label for mediator related configuration
doMediation sets the mediator, true - mediator will be used, false - mediator won't be used
collector sub(label) for collector related configuration
version specifies the version of the collector/mediator (IPFIX protocol version)
host IP address (localhost) of the collector/mediator
port port on which the collector/mediator is expecting IPFIX messages
sync_port port on which the collector/mediator expects synchronisation messages
protocol transport protocol for sending IPFIX messages
sourceID ID of the export domain
refreshTemplateTime time for resending the used IPFIX template to the collector/mediator (the configuration depends on the ”default template lifetime” configured in the collector/mediator.
reconnectFrequency frequency in which mybeem will try to reconnect with the collector/mediator if the connection is for some reason interrupted.
connectionTimeout time after whose expiration the connection between mybeem and the collector/mediator is closed
synchronization (sub)label for synchronisation related configuration
doSync sets synchronisation to on/of, false-synchronisation is off, true-synchronisation is on
port port on which mybeen expects synchronisation messages
serverAddress IP address of the synchronisation server
serverPort port on which the synchronisation server expects sync. messages
logging (sub)label for syslog related configuration
sendingProtocol protocol for communicating with the syslog server
syslogServIP IP address of the syslog server
syslogServPort port for communicating with the syslog server
messageLogLevel sets the level of syslog messages
aggregation (sub)label for aggregation related configuration
doAggregation sets aggregation, true - aggregation is on, false - aggregation is off
automaticAggregation if doAggregation is false and the memory utilisation exceeds 85%, aggregation will automatically start to prevent program crash. True - automatic aggregation will be used, false - automatic aggregation won't be used.
aggregationTrigger frequency in milliseconds for aggregation
octetTotalCountForAggregation threshold for mice flow aggregation
first flow key that has the highest priority
second flow key that has the seconds highest priority
third flow key that has the third highest priority
fourth flow key that has the least priority (this is going to be aggregated as first)
dpi (sub)label for DPI related configuration
doDPI sets DPI to on/off
protofile file with protocols


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