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The new office hours queue for CMU's 15-122 Principles of Imperative Programming.

The Squad (Summer '22): Pranav Addepalli, Angela Zhang, Amanda Li, Bhargav Hadya, Brandon Sommerfeld, Esther Cao, Jackson Romero, Lora Zhou, Mengrou Shou

The Squad (Fall '22): Pranav Addepalli, Angela Zhang, Amanda Li, Jackson Romero, Arthur Jakobsson, Benjamin Kwabi-Addo, Kevin Wang, Yutian Chen

The Squad (Spring '23): Pranav Addepalli, Angela Zhang, Amanda Li, Jackson Romero, Arthur Jakobsson, Mihir Khare, Sherry Wang

Post S23 Contributors Jackson Romero, Alex Blass

Getting Started

  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. Install Node modules within both client and server folders. cd into each and run:
    % npm install
  3. You may need to download and install PostgreSQL and set up the database (see below)
  4. Set up environment files (see below)
  5. Log in with the owner email, which is defined in server/.env, change "Current Semester" to a new value and click "Save." This creates the initial database entry for a semester.
  6. Go to settings and create a new TA with an email that's different from the owner email. The owner email is special and can't interact normally on the queue, so you'll need a separate TA email to test the TA view.

Running Server

  1. Start the server

    % cd server
    % npm run db:sync   # Only on first time running or after database modification
    % npm start
  2. Server should now correctly run and update when you make changes to the files! You can check the various endpoints to see what gets returned at localhost:8000

  3. You can run the test cases for the server by running

    % npm test

Running Client

  1. Start the client

    % cd client
    % npm start
  2. Open browser at localhost:3000

  3. You can run the test cases for the client by running

    % npm test
  4. You can run the linter (and perform auto-fixes) with the following:

    eslint --fix src/**/*.tsx

Setting Up the Database

The server currently uses a PostgreSQL database. The live database is hosted on our VM - ping Pranav for details.

You can also set up a local database to test. Run the command below:

% createdb queue_db -U <db_user>

where <db_user> is the username you've set for PostgreSQL. You can then connect to this database by running:

% psql queue_db

and check the connection information by running:

% \conninfo

This should print out the following information:

You are connected to database "queue_db" as user <db_user> via socket in <db_socket> at port <db_port>.

After creating a local database, make sure to change your server/.env file to have the following settings:

POSTGRESQL_DB_PASSWORD=<db_user>'s password

General Structure

The server folder contains our Node.js based server, which is run on Express and uses Sequelize to interact with the database. This handles all of the Model and Controller components of our MVC application.

The client folder contains our React.js based client. This handles all of the View component of our MVC application.

The types folder contains TypeScript definitions for different React Context objects. Right now these are only used on the frontend but may be used if the backend is transitioned to TypeScript in the future.

The general flow of data is (excuse the incorrect terminology):

  • User accesses client website and visits an endpoint (i.e. localhost:3000/admin)
  • In order to render the page correctly, we make a request to the server (i.e. [localhost:8000/admin])
  • The server may grab stuff from the database, or data stored in the application itself and returns it
  • The frontend generates the page render using the data it gets from the server, stores it in React Contexts, and returns to the browser
  • The browser renders the web page

General Server File Structure

This is the folder structure for the Node.js server (inside of the server folder).

app.js - Entrypoint for the application, this is where all the setup happens

Folder Description
config Used to store configuration settings to run the server - see below for details
controllers Used to store controllers for our web application where most of the logic takes place
models Used to store all the schema for our various database models
routes Used to route endpoint (i.e. tells you where /admin is supposed to go to). Note: A lot of resources say to combine this with controllers, we might end up consolidating but started off with this separated
tests Used to write unit tests (which are currently using the Jest framework)

Server-Side Routes

There are many of these routes, which can all be found in the server/routes folder.

General Client File Structure

This is the folder structure for the React.js client application (inside of the client folder)

public - General static files served to the webpage (icons, static images, manifests, etc.) src - Where all the pages and components are built

Inside of the src folder:

Folder Description
App.tsx Entry point for the client application, handles routing to the right page
http-common.tsx Configuring axios to contact the server (i.e. base URL, interceptors, etc)
components Used to create reusable/large components in the various web pages
config Used for client-side configuration, like google client app id for OAuth
contexts Stores different React Contexts that are ingested by the frontend and synced with the backend
pages Stored the base components for each of the pages
services Used to keep axios services (used to interact with node server)
themes Used to create and store global themes (i.e. colors or fonts used on every page)

Client-Side Routes

Each of these are configured in the main client/src/App.js file:

Page Path Example
Home Page / localhost:3000/
Settings Page /settings localhost:3000/settings
Metrics Page /metrics localhost:3000/metrics


Admin Settings

Below are settings that can be set in the Admin Settings page:

Name Description Link Point of Contact for Help
Slack Webhook URL URL to your incoming Slack webhook Angela


Create a .env file in the client folder with the following fields:

Name Description Link Point of Contact for Help
WDS_SOCKET_PORT Port for sockets to use, 0 on deployment, 8000 on local testing Angela
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID Google Client ID, used for Google OAuth (Note: can not create project with Andrew email due to org permissions, need to use personal gmail) Angela
REACT_APP_PROTOCOL Protocol used for the host address (http or https) Angela
REACT_APP_DOMAIN Domain used for the host address Angela
REACT_APP_SOCKET_PATH Path for sockets to use coming from the domain, usually ends with / Angela
REACT_APP_SERVER_PATH Path to make API calls to the server Angela
PUBLIC_URL URL for where the application will run Pranav

Add them to the .env file like so:



The server/config/config.js file has all the fields required to configure the server. Create a .env file in the server folder with the following fields:

Name Description Link Point of Contact for Help
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID Google Client ID, used for Google OAuth (Note: can not create project with Andrew email due to org permissions, need to use personal gmail) Angela
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Google Client Secret, used for Google OAuth (Note: can not create project with Andrew email due to org permissions, need to use personal gmail) Angela
GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI Google Redirect URI, used for Google OAuth (Note: can not create project with Andrew email due to org permissions, need to use personal gmail) Angela
PROTOCOL Protocol used for the host address ( or ) Angela
DOMAIN Domain used for the host address Angela
CLIENT_PORT Port used by the client-side (React) Angela
POSTGRESQL_DB Name of the PostgreSQL database Fill using values from setting up the database Pranav
POSTGRESQL_DB_HOST Name of the PostgreSQL database host Fill using values from setting up the database, only required if hosting the database elsewhere (i.e. on Heroku) Pranav
POSTGRESQL_DB_USER Username to access the PostgreSQL database Fill using values from setting up the database Pranav
POSTGRESQL_DB_PASSWORD Password for the user to access the PostgreSQL database Fill using values from setting up the database Pranav
TOKEN_KEY Key used to generate access tokens for users Can use any random alphanumerical string Bhargav
OWNER_EMAIL Email for the owner of the queue, granted superuser permissions Use your own email for development Angela