A simple, darker, ayu-based colorscheme for Neovim in particular, and a few other Terminal-based and GUI editors.
- For history buffs, this is a Neovim theme in Lua which roughly follows the ayu colorset while trying to make the extra Treesitter parsing show all the colors I believe it is truly worth, for all the wonderful plugins it's worth. I hope all the goofy and weird color coverage is worth it! I use it!
- It's an ayu-based them, intended to be a personal theme I can continually modify and tweak over time. The repo itself is almost fully based on the (excellent) tokyonight.nvim theme and Github repo. The cuurrent end-product is something which looks vaguely colorful and resembles its inspiration Ayu ever-so-vaguely... I think?
Installation and configuration are near identical to tokyonight at the moment, but not all flavors or color palette variations are implemented yet. Still, installation instructions remain the same.
If you're using packer.nvim, just copy this code into wherever you keep your packer startup function:
use "clpi/cyu.lua"
- Note: This theme only works in NeoVim (preferably, the latest stable version) for now. However, a vim version should be an easy task.
- Configuration is borrowed from tokyonight.nvim (as an artefact of using its repo as a base template), however no different color variations have been made, so, for the time being, configuration options have been made available to the end user to provide them an illusory feeling of power and control.
- This can be achieved through the Lua API (in Neovim 0.5+):_
use {
config = function()
vim.g.cayu_style = "night" -- Only palette variant available right now
vim.g.cayu_italic_functions = true
vim.g.cayu_sidebars = {} -- Specify window types to shade differentially
-- ... (after packer startup) ...
vim.cmd[[ colorscheme cayu ]]
- Supports custom coloring of many themes, including all of those supported by tokyonight as well as several custom additions. A few listed: