Releases: cloudfoundry/cf-k8s-networking
- CAPI and K8s-Networking agree on a design that enables app-2-app policies
- Cody can view ingress-gateway access logs as a part of cf logs
- Unmapping the last destination of a Route does not remove the destination from the VirtualService
- Pass the Upgrade Control Plane SLO
- [dev acceptance] Istio configuration lives in cf-for-k8s
- Automatically create annotated images of new istio versions.
- Configure Istio to merge Prometheus metrics on the pod
- Upgrade-istio pipeline upgrades to new version instead of fresh install
- Explore what to do regarding CATS
- Bump to Istio 1.7.1
- Fix upgrade pipeline to upgrade from cf-for-k8s stable --> cf-for-k8s latest and networking latest
- istio-upgrade pipeline works with istio in cf-for-k8s
- Rewrite mTLS acceptance tests to work with network policy
- build-upgrade-sidecars-image should automatically update its sha in cf-for-k8s
- Destroy cf-k8s-pr clusters on PR merge
- decide what to do with pipeline that updates the fluentbit image
- Update the Managing certs for application ingress doc
- Alana can verify that when contour is selected as ingress provider, istio is not present
- Operators can depend on the availability of RouteController
- Set max-in-flight on cf-k8s-prs
- Recycle Clusters in CI
- move relintdockerhubpushbot hosted images into non-rate limited dockerhub repos
- X-team pair with k8s-networking folks to host their pipelines
- cloudfoundry/cf-for-k8s #622: Bump Istio to 1.8
- Convert component template image refs to data values following standard format
☢️ Since this release was created, we have accidentally pushed a branch with duplicate tags that mean that this release no longer points at the correct commit on the release-candidate branch. Do not rely on this tag or rely on the artifacts associated with this release! ☢️
- Platform Engineers can confirm that cf-k8s by default only accepts encrypted requests and can be configured to receive requests on port-80 details
- Platform Engineers can discover docs that describe how to use gateway access logs to observe application ingress latency contributed by platform and network details
- Platform Engineers can discover docs that describe ingress load balancing topology in cf-for-k8s details
- Platform Engineers can follow docs to discover that istio is not a supported API in cf4k8s details
☢️ Since this release was created, we have accidentally pushed a branch with duplicate tags that mean that this release no longer points at the correct commit on the release-candidate branch. Do not rely on this tag or rely on the artifacts associated with this release! ☢️
Platform Operator can confirm that cf-for-k8s's architecture no longer includes cf-route-sync and metacontroller details, details
Platform Operator can successfully deploy a kind cluster using Istio 1.6.x in cf-for-k8s
Platform Operator can confirm that cf-k8s-networking/master has been renamed to develop
In efforts to reach our GA scale targets of supporting 2000 application instances and 1000 routes, we have validated that routecontroller in isolation supports this scale. We also intend to test our subsystems end-to-end in the future details, details
☢️ Since this release was created, we have accidentally pushed a branch with duplicate tags that mean that this release no longer points at the correct commit on the release-candidate branch. Do not rely on this tag or rely on the artifacts associated with this release! ☢️
- Platform Operator can verify that cf-for-k8s leverages Istio 1.6.x and not an earlier version details
☢️ Since this release was created, we have accidentally pushed a branch with duplicate tags that mean that this release no longer points at the correct commit on the release-candidate branch. Do not rely on this tag or rely on the artifacts associated with this release! ☢️
Basic Ingress Routing:
Alana can confirm that Istio objects and Services describing CC Routes are represented in the K8s API details
Cody can confirm that an application on cf-for-k8s is accessible to end users via basic HTTP routing details
Cody can map/create routes that have FQDNs that are longer than 63 characters details
Cody can confirm that wildcard routes get successfully created on cf-for-k8s details
Cody can confirm that ingress TLS is configured for the "default" app domain for a vanilla installation of cf-for-k8s details
Securing app and system component communications:
Alana can confirm that all communication between metacontroller and route syncer are encrypted and mutually authenticated (via sidecars) details
Alana can confirm that connections between istio control- plane components are encrypted details
Cody can confirm that ensure that all communications between system components and between apps are encrypted and mutually authenticated (via sidecars) details
Exposing networking sub-system metrics:
Alana can identify memory usage of ingress router by looking at metrics details
Alana can use prometheus to see details such as number of http, and tcp connections being made by the incoming traffic details
Alana can confirm that envoy is receiving up-to-date information from istio control plane details