HTML5 Tetris written by Choongmin Lee <[email protected]>. Almost compliant with the Tetris Guidline. T-spin recognition is nearly 3-corner T no kick, but will register on a triple.
The game has three play modes and goals as follows:
- Marathon (score the most throughout the 15 levels)
- Ultra (score the most in 3 minutes)
- Sprint (clear 40 lines as fast as possible)
It is currently on development. You can find the source code at GitHub.
- Implement pause.
- Implement RECORDS menu and save highscores
- Implement OPTIONS menu, in which users can customize:
- Key mappings
- Soft drop speed
- DAS speed
- Add visual effects to hard drop, line clear, etc.
- Add volume slider.
- Add more sounds.
- Add favicon.