This project is based on FS2016 Applied Cost Effectiveness Course in UC Denver Anschutz Medical Campus.
Determine the Cost-Effectiveness of PH vs. Usual Care using the heemod R package
In the /Refs folder, references used for inputs for the cost-effectiveness models are included.
The final model is the PHmodelv5.xlsm which contains the excel-macro based cost-effectiveness analysis. The R code that uses the heemod will be in the R folder. Future update should include a dashboard that will allow users to interactively analyze the cost-effectiveness of PH based on appropriate parameters of interests.
/Report contains presentation in powerpoint.
/Appendix folder contains information regarding figures and tables that were not included in the final presented document. The Appendix also contains earlier versions of the CEA model in Excel.
R-based CEA will be uploaded to shinyapps.io in the future.