A demo for G wall
- supports both up and down animation styles (down is currently set)
- G trends interaction via control panel
- Edit date, keyword to recieve information on regional, overall popularity, + category popularity breakdown
- Change color pallette for warm + cool color tones.
- Zoom + pan on viewport
- wall color pallete changes based on overall popularity
- regional integration (to affect bar lengths)
- category integration (to affect tonal changes)
- change date based on clicking on graph
- hot topics per category? using a seperate endpoint (launch a node server from )
- downloadable screen captures to pdf
- Parallax effect (bars go at different speeds)
x test states:
state: 01
- 2018-04-12, 78
- 2018-04-13, 82
state: 02
- 2018-05-08, 88
- 2018-05-09, 94
state: 03
- 2018-06-23, 90
- 2018-06-24, 100
state: 04
- 2018-03-14, 83
- 2018-03-15, 100
- replace images with svgs
- UI
- default colors in swatch bar?
- zoom issues on Mac OS X? only on my end
- interactive mobile app to draw on surface / recieve info
- info and stuff disabled / cleared when wall is not live
- wall indicator (is wall active)
- send info to web and render it
- pixelator, edit timeout / speedier drawing
- server active indicator?
- copy url to clipboard
- using absolute state changes
- speed revised
- bar size now driven by states instead of country
x dont change when last date exceeds current date (for graph clicking)
- using absolute state changes
x saving
x saving export out fails (put a try statement)
x cancel saving should restore button and stuff
x overrides.txt, list of dates to ovverride + static-ify
- speed changes fix..fractions break it
- interactive mobile portion has been started
- server included (if endpoint dies, deploy site from server/gserver folder..listens to 3000 port, for web app..and also has TCP )
- reset colors button
- delta / speed states change overhaul
- default speeds now accept fractional numbers 1.25, 1.5 for instance
- saving indicator
- day based on delta (WIP)
- Parallax effect (bars go at different speeds)
- brighter at tips of bar
- reset zoom mode
- fix export settings
- pan in super zoom mode make more sensitive
- date validation (turns red if invalid date format or beyond time)
- added pause/play button
- specific hot topics
- using a seperate endpoint for actual topics goin on that day (if endpoint dies, deploy hottopics api from server/apitopics folder..listens to 3005 port)
- metrics
x clamp color from 60 to 100 for popularity (seattle is too popular too often)
- reevaluate country value (too fine grain,, increased smallest bar size..)
- change date based on clicking on graph
- regional integration (to affect bar lengths)
- category integration (to affect tonal changes)
- category barchart
- color pallete changes
- category integration (to affect tonal changes)
- supports both up and down animation styles (down is currently set)