The Austrian radio station FM4 publishes recordings of all shows on its website - but only for seven days.
This Python 3 command line script downloads all currently available recordings for a specific show as MP3 files. The show's metadata gets stored in the downloaded files' ID3 tags (see below).
Files aready downloaded are skipped, so this script is well suited for cron jobs.
Python 3 with modules "mutagen", "requests" and optionally "pydub".
(On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: sudo apt install python3 python3-mutagen python3-requests pydub
FM4 splits some shows (e.g. "Morning Show") into multiple files, probably to cut out advertisements. With installed "pydub" Python module this script will merge those files into a single MP3 file. If "pydub" is not installed the parts are saved as seperate MP3 files and named accordingy (e.g. "FM4 Morning Show 2020-09-03 06_00 [1_5].mp3, FM4 Morning Show 2020-09-03 06_00 [2_5].mp3, ...).
./ <ShowTitle> <TargetDirectory>
./ "morning show" Downloads/Morning-Show-Recordings
This would download all available recordings of "Morning Show" and save them with correct ID3 tags into the directory "Downloads/Morning-Show-Recordings".
Be patient, FM4 throttles downloads quite heavily!
This script not only downloads the recordings, but also automatically extracts all metadata provided by FM4's 7-Tage-Player and saves it in appropriate ID3v2.3 tags of the downloaded MP3 files.
The downloaded file Downloads/Morning-Show-Recordings/FM4 Morning Show 2020-09-18 06_00.mp3
gets this ID3 tag:
TRSN (Internet radio station name): FM4
WORS (Official internet radio station homepage):
WOAS (Official audio source webpage):
TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): FM4
TDAT (Date): 1809
TIME (Time): 0600
TYER (Year): 2020
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Morning Show
TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): 2020-09-18 06:00
TRCK (Track number/Position in set): 1/1
TLEN (Length): 13663000
COMM (Comments): (desc)[deu]: With Julie McCarthy and Daniel Grabner | We kept two Fm4 Kalender to
give away to you and also we've got tickets for the Horror Classic
From Beyond. In exchange we want your songs and bands with plants:
trees, flowers, bushes - what are your favourites? Let us know and
we'll play them!
APIC (Attached picture): (Front Cover)[, 3]: image/jpeg, 32580 bytes
CTOC (): frame
CHAP (Chapters):
Chapter #0: start 0.000000, end 168.000000
title : News
Chapter #1: start 167.000000, end 177.000000
title : ch2
Chapter #2: start 441.000000, end 643.000000
title : Chika / My Power
Chapter #3: start 642.000000, end 823.000000
title : Cassia / Do Right
Chapter #4: start 823.000000, end 945.000000
title : Elderbrook über seine musikalische Entwicklung
[... snip! ...]
Chapter #92: start 13438.000000, end 13663.000000
title : Booka Shade ft. UNDERHER / Chemical Release
If you run a web server and want to listen to the downloaded shows with your podcast player: creates a RSS2 feed from MP3 files.