released this
29 Jun 16:08
484 commits
to master
since this release
- replaced axios with got #634 (Andre Tabarra)
- changed default http localAddress to match forced interface #634 (Andre Tabarra)
- finished migration to new fxsConfigHelper (Andre Tabarra)
- minor ipv6 support changes (Andre Tabarra)
- replaced hardcoded update timer for api call (Andre Tabarra)
- reorganized web folder (Andre Tabarra)
- banner: added hang detection for adminvault (Andre Tabarra)
- cfgParser: added check for +set in cfg file (Andre Tabarra)
- core: added event serverShuttingDown (Andre Tabarra)
- added proc.env advanced debug action (Andre Tabarra)
Bug Fixes
- updateChecker: prevent error spam (Andre Tabarra)
- menu/ban: fixed ban message with html (Andre Tabarra)
- login: handle idms rejection (Andre Tabarra)
Continuous Integration
- force install of packages as is (Andre Tabarra)
- updated packages #634 (Andre Tabarra)
- committing some random stashes #634 (Andre Tabarra)
- menu: bump frontend deps and misc migration to MUI v5 #634 (Taso)
- updated packages (Andre Tabarra)
- updated readme server count (Andre Tabarra)
- updated packages (Andre Tabarra)
- fixed eslint config + dir(null) (Andre Tabarra)
- linting fxsConfigHelper (Andre Tabarra)
- updated packages (Andre Tabarra)
- removed npm-run-all dev dependency (Andre Tabarra)
- bumped version to v4.15.0 (Andre Tabarra)
- goat is a bully and likes for..in (Andre Tabarra)
- new cfg parser (Andre Tabarra)
- new cfg validator (Andre Tabarra)
- cfg parser endpoint validation logic (Andre Tabarra)
- cfg validator commenting out bad lines (Andre Tabarra)
- cfg parser/validator/fixer done (Andre Tabarra)
- 63afc10: Merge branch 'new-cfg-parser' (Andre Tabarra)
- cfg saver + new markdown error messages (Andre Tabarra)
- minor fixes (Andre Tabarra)
- cfg editor use new helpers (Andre Tabarra)
- 5061ae7: Merge branch 'chore/bump-fe-deps' (Andre Tabarra) #634
- 89ce55d: Fixing multiple grammatical and spelling issues (tabarra#636) (Erick Gomez) #636
- e942ca9: Translated rest of da.json (Morfar) #640
- b665b4b: Update da.json (tabarra) #640
- menu/playerlist: increased responsiveness (Andre Tabarra)
- 3bcbd8c: Update et.json (Snorgelo) #646