Just a collection of my personal docker-compose dev tools:
- Elasticsearch 7.4.2
- Flagr 1.1.5
- Jaeger all-in-one 1.13
- Apache Pulsar 2.4.1
- Sonarqube 7.9.1
- Yugabyte
- TICK stack
- NATS Server 2.1.2
- NATS Streaming 0.16.2
- Swagger Editor v3.7.1
- Swagger UI v3.24.3
Run make help
to show command list:
Command list usage:
make help Show command list.
make es-single-[start/stop/status] Initialize elasticsearch single node.
make es-cluster-[start/stop/status] Initialize elasticsearch cluster.
make flagr-[start/stop/status] Initialize flagr.
make jaeger-[start/stop/status] Initialize jaeger.
make kafka Initialize kafka.
make nats-[start/stop/status] Initialize nats server.
make nats-streaming-[start/stop/status] Initialize nats streaming server.
make pulsar-[start/stop/status] Initialize pulsar.
make sonarqube-[start/stop/status] Initialize sonarqube.
make swagger-[start/stop/status] Initialize swagger.
make tick-[start/stop/status] Initialize TICK stack.
make yubabyte-[start/stop/status] Initialize yugabyte.
make influx-cli Run InfluxDB cli.
make kapacitor-cli Run kapacitor cli.