Guid how to install stk Server Stolen from
First, a few packages need to be installed for the build to succeed.
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libbluetooth-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libenet-dev libfreetype6-dev libfribidi-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev libjpeg-dev libogg-dev libopenal-dev libpng-dev \
libssl-dev libvorbis-dev libxrandr-dev libx11-dev nettle-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev git subversion
Next, the installation files are loaded onto the local system.
cd /opt
sudo mkdir stk-code
sudo mkdir stk-asset
git clone stk-code
The last step may take some time as several 100MB have to be loaded.
svn co stk-assets
Now you have to wait a little bit, because depending on the CPU performance, this can take a while until it is compiled.
cd stk-code
sudo mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build/
sudo cmake .. -DSERVER_ONLY=ON
sudo make -j$(nproc)
Now run if you want to run it
cd bin/
./supertuxkart --lan-server=test --network-console
Creating a service to run it 24/7 Create a systemd service unit file. In the terminal, run the following command
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/supertuxkart-server.service
Paste the following content into the file:
Description=Supertuxkart LAN Server
ExecStart=/opt/stk-code/cmake_build/bin/supertuxkart --lan-server=test --network-console
Now only run these commnds t oactivate it
systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable supertuxkart-server.service
sudo systemctl start supertuxkart-server.service
sudo systemctl status supertuxkart-server.service