This project implements Getting Things Done ([[GTD]]) using [[Obsidian]]. It is a collection of wisdom acquired from years of experience.
If you prefer to get 60% of the functionality within 10 minutes, jump to the [[Quick start guide]]. This is the quick and dirty way to see if this approach resonates with you.
Since Obsidian has some very powerful filename and tag searching - the number of folders in use can be minimal. The following folders are optional, but what I consider to be the current best practice. Adapt the folder structure to whatever works for your needs:
- Archive
- Areas
- Attachments
- Daily Notes
- Projects
- Resources
- Templates
Some of the folders resemble the P.A.R.A approach promoted by Tiago Forte.
P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives, the four top-level categories that encompass many types of information you might encounter
The Attachments folder is used for miscellaneous screenshots, PDFs, and other binary files. Entries in this folder are not frequently revised.
The Daily Notes folder will retain entries similar to a diary or journal. The hotkey CTRL-U will jump to todays note within this folder with a filename in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (this is known as ISO 8601 by data nerds and it is very useful).
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=600 width=100% src=""></iframe>The Templates folder ties in with quickly employing a useful baseline form for information that shares traits (e.g. the person template has a field for: name, birthday, email address; the project template has a field for: project name, start date, due date, completion date ).
More details within [[Obsidian plugins]]
This implementation of [[Project - GTD-obsidian|GTD Obsidian]] is closely tied to these community plugins:
- Daily notes (core plugin)
- Templates (core plugin)
- Tasks
- Dataview
- Templater
- Day Planner for time boxing
- Calendar
- Solicit coffee money in order to continue development