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Remember that time you went to a party and some stranger hijacked the playlist to spin a track no one else wanted to hear? Or that time you invited friends over but were too busy to manage the music? With weJay, the whole party decides which song plays next.

A host starts a party, and anyone who launches the app can join as a guest. Each guest is a DJ who can suggest songs, vote on others' suggestions, and accrue 'DJ points' depending on how many people up-vote their songs. The next song played is determined by its votes and the time passed since first suggested.

weJay uses Firebase to namespace different parties and provide real-time updates to each client. When a client suggests a song, it receives a snapshot of the relevant Firebase data and pushes the song to its proper place in the Firebase queue. Concurrently, Node listens to for when a song finishes playing, at which point it receives a snapshot of the Firebase party state and computes the next song accordingly. Songs are streamed from SoundCloud to the host client device only, but all guests can view the info of the song currently being played.


git clone this repo and run npm start, which will automatically run webpack and compile the necessary CSS dependencies.


We love testing. To thoroughly test Fireboss and Firechief, we leveraged the firebase-server package, which runs a local instance of a firebase database. This means that our Firebase-related tests require two simultaneous Node processes: npm test and npm run test-server.


Current Song - the song currently playing in the party.

Top Ten - the ten songs that are able to be voted on by all users. The #1 song will be played next. Priority is determined by time and vote count.

Shadow Queue - the songs that are next in line to enter the top ten. Songs cannot be removed by users once they reach this stage. Priority is determined by time and the amount of DJ Points the suggester had at the time of submission.

Personal Queue - the songs that a user has suggested, but are not yet locked in. Users can see their personal queue in the 'My Songs' tab, and songs can be reordered and removed.

Fireboss - manages application state on the client side. When a user adds a song, Fireboss decides what queue it goes into. When a user joins a party, Fireboss binds the application state to that party. When a host leaves, Firebosss kicks everyone out. In the weJay application, Fireboss is truly the boss.

To do this, Fireboss connects the Redux store to our Firebase Realtime Database and listens for changes. Any changes are immediately dispatched to the client's Redux store, and all client actions are sent to Firebase directly (using methods on Fireboss). Fireboss can also use React-Router's browser history to update the client's view in realtime.

Firechief - controls Firebase logic on the server side. Listens to requests from parties and manages song flow through our queue system. Any time a party needs a new song, Firechief decides what song plays next. Any time a lame song is voted off the top ten, Firechief picks its replacement.



I. Create new Fireboss instance, and dispatch it to the Redux store.

II. Use Fireboss to create a listener for the parties ref on Firebase.

  1. The createPartiesListener will always be active. It listens to the global parties list and keeps the 'parties' state up to date with the latest party data.

III. Use Fireboss to create an onAuthStateChanged listener.

The onAuthStateChanged listener checks if a user has been authenticated on Firebase.

  1. If the user is not autheticated, Fireboss dispatches clearUser (which clears the user from the Redux store). Fireboss then pushes the client to /login.

  2. If the user is authenticated, Fireboss dispatches setUser with the user's data. Fireboss then checks if the user is currently associated with a party.

    • If the user is not associated with any parties, the user to pushed to /parties where they can create or join a party

    • If the user is currently associated with a party, Fireboss then sets up listeners using the partyId and user data (see below for detail). The user is then pushed to /app and the Top Ten tab is immediately visible.


setUpAllPartyListeners runs when a user enters a party. Users can enter a party from the /parties page by clicking CREATE PARTY or JOIN PARTY. The seven listeners are descibed below:

  • Current Party Listener - manages currentParty on the Redux store. Current party contains the partyId, so the user can send updates to the appropriate ref in Firebase.

  • Current Song Listener - manages currentSong on the Redux store. Contains all relevant data about the current song, including the song_uri for the SoundCloud player.

  • Top Ten Listener - manages topTen on the Redux store. Changes to the order of the top ten are dispatched from here.

  • Party DJs Listener - manages djs on the Redux store. Lets the user know what DJs are in a party and how many DJ Points they have.

  • End Party Listener - When the host ends a party, alerts the user, turns off all party specific listeners (including itself), and pushes the user to the /parties page.

  • Personal Queue Listener - manages personalQueue on the Redux store. Listens to updates from the users personal queue.

  • Shadow Queue Listener - manages shadowQueue on the Redux store. Listens to the Shadow Queue for the party.


submitUserSong runs when user selects a song they want to hear from the ADD SONG page. It takes a snapshot of the party's current song, top ten, and shadow queue. THEN:

  1. Check current_song snapshot. * If no current_song, set current_song to submitted song and return. * If current_song, advance to 2.

  2. Check top_ten snapshot. * If no top_ten or if less than 10 songs in top_ten, push submitted song to top_ten. * If top_ten has 10 songs, advance to 3.

  3. Check shadow_queue snapshot. * If user does not have song shadow_queue, push submitted song and return. * If user already has song in shadow_queue, advance to 4.

  4. Push submitted song to personal_queue.


Voting Rules

I. Eligibility

  • Users can vote for the current song or songs in the top ten.
  • Voting increases or decreases a song's vote_priority and increments/decrements the DJ points of whomever suggested it.
  • Users cannot vote for their own songs.

II. Allottment

  • A user starts with 5 votes, which are are replenished each time the current song changes.
  • The vote count is stored in local storage (not in Firebase) for performance optimization.

III. Song Removal

  • If a song's net priority, ie vote_priority + time_priority meets the worst song threshold, it is removed.
  • Threshold changes dynamically and is equal to double the number of djs in a party.

Voting Methods

I. onUpvote

  1. Decrement the user's vote count.

  2. Calls updateDjPoints with the song's uid, the party's id, and the third parameter addBool as true. This finds the DJ who suggested the song and adds one to his/her DJ points.

  3. Calls simpleVote with the party's id, the song, true ie addBool, and songId.

    • If songId is null, add a vote to the current song.
    • If songId is given, add a vote to the appropriate song on the top ten.

II. onDownvote

  1. Decrement the user's vote count.

  2. Calculate net priority of the song the user is downvoting and get a snapshot of current_djs. Check if this downvote pushes the song beyond the worst song threshold.

    • NOTE: The worst song threshold changes dynamically based on the number of djs in the party.
  3. If meetsWorstSongThreshold returns true:

    • Check if song has songId.
    • If song has songId that means it is a top ten song. Fireboss then calls removeDownvotedSong which sets the party's songToRemove property on Firebase to the songId. Firechief hears this and updates the top ten.
    • If song does not have songId, calls triggerFirebase which skips to the next song in the Top Ten.
  4. If meetsWorstSongThreshold returns false:

    • Call simpleVote with the party's id, the song, false ie addBool, and songId.
      • If songId is null, remove a vote to the current song.
      • If songId is given, remove a vote to the appropriate song on the top ten.


I. Leave Party

  1. Check if user id is equal to the party id (if true, the user is the host).

  2. If user is host, call endParty with the partyId.

    • endParty removes the party from the DB. This triggers the endParty listeners for all the guests, who have their listeners removed and get kicked out. THEN:
    • The host removes the current_song, top_ten, party_djs, and shadow_queue from the db.
    • The host gets pushed to '/parties'.
  3. If user is a guest, call removeUserParty which dis-associates the user's id from the the party id.

    • User is removed from party_djs.
    • Then, party listeners are removed, leaveParty is dispatched to clear the Redux store, and the user is pushed /parties.

II. Log out (similar to leave party)

  1. Check if user id is equal to the party id (if true, the user is the host).

  2. If user is host, call endParty with the partyId and Fireboss.auth.signout().

    • After both complete, the host gets pushed to /login.
  3. If user is a guest, call removeUserParty, 'removePartyDj' and Fireboss.auth.signout().

    • After all three complete, the guest gets pushed to /login.



I. On child_added for parties, Firechief runs createNewPartyListener and createNewTimePriorityIncrementer for the top ten and for the shadow queue.

Each new party listener listens to needSong and songToRemove on the party instance.

  1. If needSong is true, run masterReorder which: 1. Runs setCurrentSong which:
    • Checks if the top ten exists. If not, return. Otherwise:
    • Find the song with the highest net priority.
    • Sets that song to current song, removes it from the top ten, and sets needSong to false.
2. Then runs `pullFromShadowQueue` which:
  * Checks if the shadow queue exists. If not, `return`. Otherwise:
  * Find the song with the highest net priority.
  * Add that song to the top ten, remove it from the shadow queue, and
    pass the song submitter's uid to the next stage.

3.  Runs `pullFromPersonalQueue` which:
  * Checks if a personal queue for the given uid exists. If not, `return`. Otherwise:
  * Find the song with the highest net priority.
  * Adds that song to the shadow queue and remove it from the personal queue.
  1. If songToRemove is set to a non-empty string, runs removeWorstSong which: 1. Takes the value of songToRemove, which points to the lowest priority song in the top ten, and removes that song. 2. Resets songToRemove to an empty string. 3. Runs pullFromShadowQueue to replenish the top ten. 4 Runs pullFromPersonalQueue to replenish the shadow queue.

Firechief's createPartyAddedLister is invoked with a topTenInterval and a sqInterval in order to:

  1. Run createTimePriorityIncrementer for each queue when a party is made. * NOTE: Each incrementer is stored as a property on the Firechief instance, and is organized by partyId.

  2. The createTimePriorityIncrementer uses setInterval to increment the time_priority of songs on the top ten and shadow queue.

    • It uses incrementerHelper, the passed time interval, the partyId, and the chosen queue.
    • Because it accepts queue and interval as arguments, songs can accrue time_priority at different rates depending on what queue they are in.
  3. The incrementerHelper function takes the partyId and chosenQueue, and every time it is invoked, it snapshots the entire queue, increments the time_priority of every song by one, and THEN replaces the old queue with the updated queue.

II. When a child is removed from Firebase's parties object, Firechief uses the partyId to run removePartyListener and removeTimePriorityIncrementer for the party's shadow queue and its top ten.

  1. removePartyListener calls .off() the firebase database listener for the partyId

  2. removeTimePriorityIncrementer calls clearInterval on the queue and sets the references to the incrementers in Firechief[incrementers][partyId][queue] to null


social dj web app






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