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How do i change preferences?

chrisLZX edited this page Apr 26, 2011 · 1 revision

To change the preferences of the lockscreen theme we must connect to the iPhone, get a configuration file, modify it with any text editor and then upload it back to the original folder.

To download the files, we must connect with SSH.

Theme files are placed on the iPhone in: / Library / Themes / FeedMyHome.theme /

  • There you will find the file config.js.

The modifiable parameters in that file, are several: (Do not erase any line, simply change the variables!)

Language, you can choose between Spanish, Catalan or English. The number of cities you want display (1 or 2). In order to show city name, remember to write [town, country], in lowercase.

If you want to have a USA city, you have to write it like this: Ex: ‘new york, ny’ So it is city,state for the USA.

The RSS of which we want to read the news. The way of reading the news can be in order or random. When choosing an RSS feed that is not specified on file, i mean a new one, you should be aware that the rss.xml usually has at 0 position the “title” label of the Rss name. So then, you might start reading the news in position 1 or maybe 2.

To check it out, open the xml in the browser, view source and start counting …

To change Wallpaper we need to go to: / Library / Themes / FeedMyHome.theme / imgs /

  • We will find the file fondo31.png If we overwrite this png file, anyone who wants to change the background can do it. Remember you must have a png and 320×480 pixels.

To change the image of the slider: / Library / Themes / FeedMyHome.theme / Bundles / / bottombarknobgray.png Format: png Size: 86×45

To change the words of slider (Unlock): / Library / Themes / FeedMyHome.theme / Bundles / / en.lproj / SpringBoard.strings And you can type the text that you like.

Thats all!!

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