A UCI chess engine written in Rust. Please take a look at the UCI Documentation for usage instructions.
Binaries for Windows, Mac OS and Linux are available on the releases page.
The engine can be about 50% faster if compiled on the machine on which it will be run in order to take advantage of cpu-specific instructions. To compile locally, it requires that Rust be installed.
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" RUST_MIN_STACK=4097152 cargo run --release
Use perft, to determine the total number of positions encountered while playing through every move and every response to a certain depth.
position fen 8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3p1k/8/4P1P1/8 w - - 0 1
go perft 7
a5a4: 14,139,786 68,974,565 nps
a5a6: 16,022,983 74,845,580 nps
b4b1: 19,481,757 77,087,773 nps
b4b2: 12,755,330 77,515,349 nps
b4b3: 15,482,610 77,882,466 nps
b4f4: 3,069,955 78,064,051 nps
b4e4: 14,187,097 78,047,184 nps
b4d4: 15,996,777 78,099,996 nps
b4c4: 17,400,108 78,280,391 nps
b4a4: 11,996,400 78,291,255 nps
g2g3: 4,190,119 78,313,269 nps
g2g4: 13,629,805 78,198,877 nps
e2e3: 11,427,551 78,095,804 nps
e2e4: 8,853,383 78,005,965 nps
Time elapsed in perft is: 2.290587309s
178633661 nodes 78005965.50218341 nps