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A embeddable management backplane for your Go application


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Choria Management Backplane

This is a embedable Choria Server that you can use to provide a backplane for your Golang application.

You can use it to provide a secure, scalable and flexibile managment interface right inside your application with no dependencies other than a Choria broker infrastructure.

At present it is focussed on creating circuit breakers, health checks, managing logging level and shutdown actions that allow you to affect change of a large fleet of (micro)services rapidly and securely via CLI, Ruby API, Go API or Playbooks.

Using the Choria discovery abilities you can target subsets of services across your entire fleet using metadata of your choice.

Once embedded you can manage your fleet with commands like this:

Pause, resume and request info for all services in DC1

$ backplane yourapp pause -W dc=DC1
$ backplane yourapp resume -W dc=DC1
$ backplane yourapp health -W dc=DC1
$ backplane yourapp debuglvl -W dc=DC1



It's typical for applications to expose REST interfaces that let one do things like circuit breaking on their internals. This works perfectly fine in the general case of a small setup with one or two locations.

At scale though where one have 30+ DCs with machines behind various layers of bastion nodes and so forth this model rapidly breaks down as you'll have machine generated hostnames and ports and many services. It becomes impossible to know what services are where and just gaining access to a HTTP port in all your data centers is a problem.

Instead one would set up a central management Choria infrastructure where these managed microservices will connect to. The services connect out to the management network which is much easier to manage from a security perspective. Using the Choria discovery features you can target all or subsets of Microservices across your entire multi DC fleet in a fast way from either the CLI, Ruby API, Golang APIs or Choria Playbooks.

While a similar outcome can be achieved with a side car model - simply write a Ruby based agent for your app and deploy it into the running Choria Server on that node - this model is convenient for isolation and for true microservices in containers etc.


  • Circuit breaker interface
  • Health Check interface
  • Shutdown interface
  • Ability to switch running log levels of your applications
  • Ability to publish data from your app to the Choria Data Adapters that can convert the data to streaming data systems
  • Standardised configuration
  • TLS using PuppetCA or manual configuration
  • Expose Facts to the Choria discovery system
  • Authorization of Read Only and Full access based on certificate of the client


  • Thread dump endpoint

Exposed Actions

The following actions are exposed to the Choria network:

Action Description Interface
info Information such as pause state and facts always present
ping Test connectivity to the backplane always present
pause Pauses your application Pausable
resume Resumes your application Pausable
flip If paused, resume. If not paused, pause. Pausable
shutdown Shuts down your service after short delay Stopable
health Checks the internal health of your service HealthCheckable
debuglvl Sets the app to debug level logging LogLevelSetable
infolvl Sets the app to info level logging LogLevelSetable
warnlvl Sets the app to warning level logging LogLevelSetable
critlvl Sets the app to critical level logging LogLevelSetable

Infrastructure Requirements

The backplane agents use a Middleware server to connect to the management CLI. If you already have Choria installed you have everything you need. If you do not have Choria you can install if you wish, alternatively you just need a NATS Server.

Installing Choria has a number of advantages:

If you chose not to install Choria the backplane CLI can be downloaded from the releases page, it needs a small config file like:

loglevel = warning
plugin.choria.middleware_hosts =

Place this in /etc/choria/client.cfg, if you configured Choria the backplane CLI will just work.

Setting up the Choria Client for Ruby API, Go API, CLI and Playbooks

If you wish to use the Ruby API or Choria CLI you should install the mcollective_agent_backplane module from the Puppet Forge

  - mcollective_agent_backplane

From there the usual mco rpc, Ruby API's and Playbooks will function. For more information about Choria see it's website.

Embeding in your application

To embed this backplane in your own Go code you need to implement a few interfaces, not all are required you can selectively enable just what you need.

NOTE: A working example is in the example directory

Health Checks

To allow your application to be health checked you need to implement the HealthCheckAble interface, a simple version is here:

import (
    backplane ""

type App struct {
    config *Config
    paused bool
    configured bool // setting this is not shown

type health struct {
    Configured bool

func (a *App) HealthCheck() (result interface{}, ok bool) {
    r := &health{
        Configured: a.configured,

    return r, a.configured

The example is obviously over simplified and achieves very little - you can do any internal health checks you desired, I suggest keeping it fast and not testing remote APIs if you run many managed services.

Your result should be a structure - or something that satisfies the json interfaces.

Once enabled using the backplane.ManageHealthCheck() option (see below under embedding) this will be accessible via the health action.

Circuit Breaker

To allow your application to be paused and resumed you need to implement the Pausable interface, a simple version that builds on the example above can be seen here:

func (a *App) Pause() {
    a.paused = true

func (a *App) Resume() {
    a.paused = false

func (a *App) Flip() {
    a.paused = !a.paused

func (a *App) Paused() bool {
    return a.paused

func (a *App) Work(ctx context.Context) {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(a.config.Interval) * time.Millisecond)

    for {
        select {
            case <-ticker.C:
                if !a.Paused() {
                    fmt.Println("doing work")
            case <-ctx.Done():

Here the Work() method will do some work every configured interval unless the system is paused.

Once enabled using the backplane.ManagePausable() option (see below under embedding) this will be accessible via the info, pause, resume and flip actions.


You can allow remote shutdowns of your application, to achieve this implement the Stopable interface:

func (a *App) Shutdown() {

When you invoke the shutdown action via the Choria API it will schedule a shutdown after a random sleep duration rather than call it immediately.

You can combine this with a Pausable to drain connections first, but we don't support doing that automatically at present but might in the future.

Once enabled via the backplane.ManageStopable() option (see below under embedding) this will be accessible via the shutdown action.

Log Level

You can allow the running log level of your application to be manipulated, to achieve this implement the LogLevelSetable interface:

Backplane has just 4 levels that it knows about - Debug, Info, Warn and Critical - you have to create a bit of a translation between what your application understand, here is a example using logrus:

func (a *App) SetLogLevel(level backplane.LogLevel) {
	switch level {
	case backplane.InfoLevel:
    case backplane.WarnLevel:
    case backplane.CriticalLevel:

func (a *App) GetLogLevel() backplane.LogLevel {
    switch a.LogLevel() {
    case logrus.InfoLevel:
        return backplane.InfoLevel
    case logrus.WarnLevel:
        return backplane.WarnLevel
    case logrus.ErrorLevel, logrus.FatalLevel, logrus.PanicLevel:
        return backplane.CriticalLevel
        return backplane.DebugLevel

Once enabled via the backplane.ManageLogLevel() option (see below under embedding) this will be accessible via the debuglvl, infolvl, warnlvl and critlvl actions - info will show the active log level.

Information Source

The InfoSource interface is required to expose some internals of your application to Choria, you should mark the structure fields up with json tags as this will be serialized to JSON.

Here we simply expose our running config as facts, you can return any structure here and that'll become facts.

func (a *App) FactData() interface{} {
    return a.config

func (a *App) Version() string {
    return "0.0.1"

Publishing Data

You can publish data from your application to the Choria Data Adapter system which can receive the data in a scalable manner and transform it to Streaming Data system.

This is useful for publishing IoT environmental data or other similar data to a network, your data will traverse the network maintained by the backplane and will be secured using PKI and TLS.

When you start the backplane (full details below) pass the backplane.StartDataPublisher() option to backplane.Run().

From your code you can publish any data:

    // initialize the backplane, full example in "Starting the Server" section
    opts := []backplane.Option{
        // other options

    pb, err := backplane.Run(ctx, wg, a.config.Management, opts...)
    if err != nil {

    // dat is a []byte with any information you wish to publish
    dat := gatherEnvironmentData()

    // publishes data on a NATS topica called acme.iot
    pb.DataOutbox() <- &backplane.DataItem{
        Data: dat,
        Destination: "acme.iot",

You can configure the Choria Broker to receive this data and publish it to NATS Streaming:

plugin.choria.adapters = iot
plugin.choria.adapter.iot.type = nats_stream = stan1:4222,stan2:4222 = prod
plugin.choria.adapter.iot.ingest.topic = acme.iot
plugin.choria.adapter.iot.ingest.protocol = reply

This ingest the acme.iot topic, rewrite the data and publish it to NATS Streaming prod cluster on stan1:4222 and stan2:4222.

Configure Choria

You have to supply some basic configuration to the Choria framework, you need to implement the ConfigProvider interface, you're welcome to do this yourself but we provide one you can use. We recommend you use this one so that all backplane managed interface have the same configuration format:

type Config struct {
	Interval   int                              `yaml:"interval"`
	Management *backplane.StandardConfiguration `yaml:"management"`

This implements the full ConfigProvider interface and supports TLS etc, it's got tags for YAML and JSON already.

You config file might look like this:

# your own config here
interval: 600

# Standard Backplane specific configuration here
    name: app
    logfile: "/var/log/app/backplane.log"
    loglevel: warn
        scheme: file
        ca: /path/to/ca.pem
        cert: /path/to/cert.pem
        key: /path/to/key.pem
        cache: /path/to/ssl_cache

            - sre.choria

            - 1stline.choria



Authorization is supported by a simple allow all, allow readonly or insecure flags. The configuration above allows the user sre.choria to pause, resume, flip and shutdown plus all the read only actions while the 1stline.choria user can get info and health checks. The strings supplied are treated as Regular Expressions.

Authorization can be disabled with the following, any user will be able to do anything now:

    insecure: true


As you can see TLS is supported in the configuration, it's optional but recommended - and required unless you build custom brokers or use gnatsd without security.

If you use Puppet you can simplify the TLS like this:

    scheme: puppet

It will then use the nodes certificates etc if you run it as root, if not root use the pki-enroll command to enroll the system into the PuppetCA

If you have your own CA or already enrolled you can configure it manually as above. The cache is simply a directory on the node where Choria will write some cached public certificates.

Starting the server

Above we built a simple pausable, shutdownable and health checkable application that does some work unless paused, it exposes it's configuration as facts, now we can just embed our server and start it:

func (a *App) startBackPlane(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.Waitgroup) error {
    if a.config.Management != nil {
        opts := []backplane.Option{

        _, err := backplane.Run(ctx, wg, a.config.Management, opts...)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

Once you call startBackPlane() in your startup cycle it will start a Choria instance with the discovery, choria_util and backplane agents, the backplane agent will have all the actions listed in the earlier table, your config will be shown in the info action and you can discovery it using any of the facts.

If you only supply some of ManageInfoSource, ManagePausable, ManageHealthCheck, ManageLogLevel, StartDataPublisher and ManageStopable the features of the agent will be selectively disabled as per the table earlier.

All backplane managed services will use the backplane agent name, to differentiate the name will be used to construct a sub collective name so each app is effectively contained. The upcoming CLI will be built around this design.

Docker Demo

A Docker based demo is included, you need docker-compose setup and working, this demo sets up 2 backplane services and the CLI ready to use, no Choria infrastructure is needed when security is not configured, just a NATS server. This demo uses the official NATS image for this.

$ docker-compose up --scale demo1=2 --scale demo2=2
demo2_1   | 2018/07/11 08:48:52 demo2: doing work
demo1_1   | 2018/07/11 08:48:52 demo1: doing work
demo2_2   | 2018/07/11 08:48:53 demo2: doing work
demo1_2   | 2018/07/11 08:48:54 demo1: doing work
demo2_1   | 2018/07/11 08:48:54 demo2: doing work
demo1_1   | 2018/07/11 08:48:54 demo1: doing work
demo2_2   | 2018/07/11 08:48:55 demo2: doing work

This starts 2 instances of the 2 demo services up along with a broker, it will open port 4222 on your host.

From another shell you can now use the backplane CLI to manage this network, replace the IP address with the address on your network card.

NOTE: We pass --insecure else the system will initiate the Choria security system requiring certificates etc which the compose demo does not have.

Lets look at the information available about the services, their features and more:

$ docker run -e BROKER= choria/backplane --insecure demo2 info
Starting discovery process for demo2 backplan managed services: 2

Performing info... ✓ 2 / 2

           App Version: 0.0.1
     Backplane Version: 0.0.2
                Paused: false
               Healthy: true
         Pause Feature: ✓
         Facts Feature: ✓
        Health Feature: ✓
      Shutdown Feature: ✓

           App Version: 0.0.1
     Backplane Version: 0.0.2
                Paused: false
               Healthy: true
         Pause Feature: ✓
         Facts Feature: ✓
        Health Feature: ✓
      Shutdown Feature: ✓

Managed 2 service(s) in 22ms

You can circuit break the services which should stop any work from happening in the ones you target:

% docker run -e BROKER= choria/backplane --insecure demo2 pause
Starting discovery process for demo2 backplan managed services: 2

Performing pause... ✓ 2 / 2

Managed 2 service(s) in 36ms

Your logs will now show lines like demo2: skipping work while paused.

A note about the Choria display model, generally we assume you will manage large numbers of nodes or services and will try to show what is relevant. In the above command it showed no output about individual services because it was able to successfully pause each. It would only show you failures. However when we requested info obviously you'd like to see the data so it shows it.

You can resume the work again:

% docker run -e BROKER= choria/backplane --insecure demo2 resume

All instances should resume logging doing work lines.

You can use this setup to test your own embedded services, just point them at this broker without configuring TLS in their configuration and they should be visible via the CLI.

The demo applications do not support much by way of facts as they are very simple at the moment, you can see from backplane help exec though that complex filtering is supported:

usage: backplane exec [<flags>] <service> <action>

Executes a action against a set of backplane managed services

      --help             Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version          Show application version.
  -v, --verbose          Enable verbose output
  -d, --debug            Enable debug logging
  -F, --wf=FACTS ...     Match services with a certain fact
  -I, --wi=IDENTITY ...  Match services with a certain Choria identity
      --timeout=TIMEOUT  How long to wait for services to respond
      --config=CONFIG    Configuration file to use
      --insecure         Disable TLS security

  <service>  The services name to manage
  <action>   Action to perform against the managed service

The facts that would be exposed for filtering are those from the InfoSource and you could for example do -F Interval=600 in this case - directly exposed from the example app configuration.

Using this we could for example pause just one specific service:

% docker run -e BROKER= choria/backplane --insecure demo2 pause -I 1786991ad26d
Starting discovery process for demo2 backplan managed services: 1

Performing pause... ✓ 1 / 1

Managed 1 service(s) in 19ms

Only 1 node were managed, info confirms:

Performing info... ✓ 2 / 2

           App Version: 0.0.1
     Backplane Version: 0.0.2
                Paused: false
               Healthy: true
         Pause Feature: ✓
         Facts Feature: ✓
        Health Feature: ✓
      Shutdown Feature: ✓

           App Version: 0.0.1
     Backplane Version: 0.0.2
                Paused: true
               Healthy: true
         Pause Feature: ✓
         Facts Feature: ✓
        Health Feature: ✓
      Shutdown Feature: ✓

1 is paused and 1 is not, your logs should also confirm.

Additionally on every doing work line data gets published to the NATS network topic in the Choria format. You can view these using the a nats client or had this been a Choria Broker you could adapt these messages to a NATS Stream using the Choria Adapter Framework.