Welcome to the REPO
to find how to contribute find this https://hacktoberfest.com/participation/#contributors
set up guide:: >you must have mysql database and node js if not install it in your system. Refer thse https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-getting-started/en/ https://nodejs.org/en/download >Then create a database named "prs" >start the mysql terminal (or you can use mysql workbench too) run:: mysql -u root -p give the password you set during installetion; If you have other user feel free to change user after -u in above mysql script >then run the "db" script in mysql terminal:: db script is in root of this project >now you are done
Start the project:: >Navigate to Your Project Directory: Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory where the package.json file is located. You can use the cd command to change the directory >Install Dependencies: If you have a package.json file, it likely includes a list of dependencies. You can install these dependencies using npm: run the below :: npm install >Once installetion done run; node app.js
How to contribute; make a branch with name prs-yourname then make a pull request.