This is the sixth project in Treehouse Python tech degree.
Will be hosted on Heroku upon completion.
For this project, you’ll build a form that takes in details about a registered user and displays those details on a profile page. The profile page should include first name, last name, email, date of birth, confirm email, short bio and the option to upload an avatar.
You’ll also set up validation for email, date of birth and the biography. The Date of Birth validation should accept three date formats: YYYY-MM-DD, MM/DD/YYYY, or MM/DD/YY. The Email validation should check if the email addresses match and are in a valid format. The bio validation should check that the bio is 10 characters or longer and properly escapes HTML formatting.
You’ll also create a "change password page" that updates the user’s password. This page will ask for current password, new password and confirm password. Set up validation which checks that the current password is valid, that the new password and confirm password fields match, and that the new password follows the following policy:
- Display the most common or important details at the top of the details list. You can decide on what order to display them in. The other miscellaneous details can be in any order.
- Add a link that goes to a random mineral details page.
- In addition to those provided, additional styles are added and used.