What's working ?
- It boots!
- Audio
- Mobile data
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Camera
- Camcorder
Not Working / Not Tested ?
- SELinux Enforcing
It's not ready for public testing so no builds are availble to download at present. Builds will available here when it's ready for public testing.
Create a build directory
mkdir lineage
cd lineage
Initialize your local repository using the LineageOS trees, use a command like this:
repo init -u git://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-19.1
Now create a local_manifests directory
mkdir .repo/local_manifests
Copy my local manifest 'osprey.xml' to the 'local_manifests' directory.
Then to sync up:
repo sync -c --force-sync
OR, for those with limited bandwidth/storage:
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --force-sync --optimized-fetch --prune
Apply required repopicks:
Copy the repopick.sh script from this repo to the root of your build folder. Then run the repopick.sh script to apply.
Apply any required patches:
Copy patch.sh and the .patch files from this repo to the root of your build folder. Then run the patch.sh script to apply.
Now start the build...
# Go to the root of the source tree...
# ...and run to prepare our devices list
$ . build/envsetup.sh
# ... now run
$ brunch osprey
If you get stuck at the TWRP splash screen when rebooting to recovery:
$ adb shell rm /data/system/storage.xml
$ adb reboot recovery
Please see the LineageOS Wiki for further information.