XGBOOST is an algorithm combining GNN and XGBOOST, which can introduce the machine learning algorithm XGBOOST under the existing GNN network architecture to improve the algorithm capability.The GNN used in this paper includes DMPNN, GGNN and GCN
Create a conda environment :
conda create env -f environment.yaml
conda activate my-rdkit-env
cd /home/xgraphboost/dmpnn_xgboost
python train.py --protein delaney_ESOL --dataset_type regression --save_dir delaney_ESOL_r --epoch 200
cd /home/xgraphboost/gcn_ggnn_xgboost
python gcn_xgb_morgan.py --folder benchmark_molnet/molnet_random_bbbp_c --type classification
cd /home/xgraphboost/gcn_ggnn_xgboost
python xgb_ggnn.py --folder benchmark_molnet/molnet_random_bbbp_c --type classification