testing.elasticsearch automatically sets up an elasticsearch instance in a temporary directory, and destroys it after testing. It's useful as a pytest fixture for testing interactions with elasticsearch in an isolated manner.
Implementation is based off the awesome testing.redis module.
Example usage:
import testing.elasticsearch
import pyes.es import ES
# launch new elasticsearch server:
with testing.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchServer() es:
elasticsearch = ES(es.uri())
# perform any testing with elasticsearch here
# elasticsearch server is terminated and cleaned up here
You can change the server configuration by specifying a config dict:
with ElasticSearchServer(config={
'logger.level': 'DEBUG',
# Keep index in memory
'index.store.type': 'mmapfs',
}) as es:
...or by setting them on the config attribute before starting the server:
es = ElasticSearchServer()
es.config['logger.level'] = 'DEBUG'
You can also setup a pytest fixture:
def elasticsearch(request):
A testing fixture that provides a running elasticsearch server.
es = ElasticSearchServer()
return es
To run tests you'll need to install the test requirements:
pip install -r src/tests/requirements.txt
Run tests:
python src/tests/runtests.py