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Fiber TypeScript Client


This package contains a JS/TS client for connecting to the Fiber Network.


You can find some examples in the examples directory.



npm i fiber-ts
# or
yarn add fiber-ts


import { Client } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait up to 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);


The client exposes 2 subscriptions: transactions and blocks. They are implemented as event emitters which you can listen to.


fiber-ts works with ethereumjs and lodestar types internally. The types are re-exported for convenience.


fiber-ts works with ethereumjs internally, and transactions are implemented as @ethereumjs/tx.TypedTransaction. This is for a couple reasons, but most importantly performance.

The transactions are returned as Transaction(Raw)WithSenders, which is a wrapper type around @ethereumjs/tx.TypedTransaction that includes the signer of the transaction.

Filtering functionality is currently a work in progress. The filter object passed to subscribeNewTxs is a simple OR filter, so if a transaction matches either to to, from or methodid field, it will be sent on the stream.

import { Client, FilterBuilder, or, to, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

let filter = new FilterBuilder(

const sub = client.subscribeNewTxs(filter);

sub.on("data", (tx: Types.TransactionWithSender) => {

It is also possible to subscribe to stream of raw transactions, which for every transaction returns its signer and the RLP encoded data.

import { Client, FilterBuilder, or, to, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

let filter = new FilterBuilder(

const sub = client.subscribeNewRawTxs(filter);

sub.on("data", (tx: Types.TransactionRawWithSender) => {

Blob transactions

fiber-ts works with ethereumjs internally, and transactions are implemented as @ethereumjs/tx.BlobEIP4844Transaction. This is for a couple reasons, but most importantly performance.

The transactions are returned as BlobTransaction(Raw)WithSenders, which is a wrapper type around @ethereumjs/tx.BlobEIP4844Transaction that includes the signer of the transaction.

Filtering functionality is not supported at the moment.

import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const sub = client.subscribeNewBlobTxs(filter);

sub.on("data", (tx: Types.BlobTransactionWithSender) => {

It is also possible to subscribe to stream of raw blob transactions, which for every transaction returns its signer and the "raw format" type || rlp([tx_payload_body, blobs, commitments, proofs]) compatible with the eth_sendRawTransaction RPC method.

import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const sub = client.subscribeNewBlobRawTxs(filter);

sub.on("data", (tx: Types.TransactionRawWithSender) => {

Execution Payloads (new blocks with transactions)

Payloads have the type: @ethereumjs/block.

import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const sub = client.subscribeNewExecutionPayloads();

sub.on("data", (block: Types.ExecutionPayload) => {


The following block header fields are empty:

  • transactionsTrie
  • withdrawalsRoot
  • parentBeaconBlockRoot

Beacon Blocks

Beacon blocks have the fiber-ts wrapper type SignedBeaconBlock, which uses @lodestar/types internally and provides a dataVersion property to discriminate between different forks.

import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const sub = client.subscribeNewBeaconBlocks();

sub.on("data", (block: Types.SignedBeaconBlock) => {

It is also possible to subscribe to stream of raw beacon blocks, which for every block returns its SSZ encoded data as Uint8Array.

import { Client } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const sub = client.subscribeNewRawBeaconBlocks();

sub.on("data", (data: Uint8Array) => {

Sending Transactions

fiber-ts has 4 endpoints for sending transactions:

  • client.sendTransaction for just sending a normal transaction.
  • client.sendRawTransaction for sending a raw transaction (signed with ethers or web3.js).
  • client.sendTransactionSequence for sending a sequence of normal transactions in a row. Please remember that the ordering is not guaranteed on-chain, as the final ordering is determined by the block producer.
  • client.sendRawTransactionSequence for sending a sequence of raw transactions (signed with ethers or web3.js)

For constructing transactions, we recommend using TransactionFactory. This will automatically create a typed transaction from the given transaction data.


import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const pk = Buffer.from("PRIVATE_KEY", "hex");

// Build an EIP1559 TypedTransaction with ethereumjs
const tx = Types.TransactionFactory.fromTxData({
  chainId: 1,
  type: 2,
  to: "0x...",
  gasLimit: 21000,
  value: 0,
  nonce: 21,
  maxFeePerGas: 20 * 1e9,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: 2 * 1e9,

// Sign the transaction
const signed = tx.sign(pk);

// Result contains the timestamp (unix microseconds) and hash of the transaction
const result: Types.TransactionResponse = await client.sendTransaction(signed);


import { Client } from "fiber-ts";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = new ethers.Wallet("PRIVATE_KEY");

const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  type: 2,
  to: "0x...",
  gasLimit: 21000,
  value: 0,
  nonce: 21,
  maxFeePerGas: 20 * 1e9,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: 2 * 1e9,

const result = await client.sendRawTransaction(signedTx);


This endpoint is built to send an array of transactions to land on the same block. Ordering is not guaranteed because of Ethereum's PBS system which delegates this power to the block builders.

It takes an array of transactions as input, and makes sure these transactions are propagated in a bundle. Assuming the gas price of these transactions is the same, the backrun transaction will never arrive before the target transaction at a block producer.

import { Client, Types } from "fiber-ts";

const client = new Client("", "YOUR_API_KEY");

// Wait 10 seconds for the client to connect.
await client.waitForReady(10);

const pk = Buffer.from("PRIVATE_KEY", "hex");

const txToBackrun = "0xdeadbeef...";

// Build a TypedTransaction with ethereumjs
const tx = Types.TransactionFactory.fromTxData({
  chainId: 1,
  type: 2,
  to: "0x...",
  gasLimit: 21000,
  value: 0,
  nonce: 21,
  maxFeePerGas: 20 * 1e9,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: 2 * 1e9,

const signed = tx.sign(pk);

// Result contains the timestamp (unix microseconds) and hash of the transaction
const result: Types.TransactionResponse = await client.sendTransactionSequence([


import { Client } from "fiber-ts";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const wallet = new ethers.Wallet("PRIVATE_KEY");

const txToBackrun = "0xdeadbeef...";

const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction({
  chainId: 1,
  type: 2,
  to: "0x...",
  gasLimit: 21000,
  value: 0,
  nonce: 21,
  maxFeePerGas: 20 * 1e9,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: 2 * 1e9,

const result = await client.sendRawTransactionSequence([txToBackrun, signedTx]);