- In the fx.manifest of qb-shops you need to replace qb-inventory with aj-inventory (I thought I fixed this sorry)
- Dont rename the folder or it WILL NOT WORK
- if you used qb-inventory before switching to this you dont need the SQL
- New Look
- Item crafting
- Weapon attachment crafting
- Stashes (Personal and/or Shared)
- Vehicle Trunk & Glovebox
- Weapon serial number
- Shops
- Item Drops
- Download the script and put it in the
directory. - Import
in your database - Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure qb-core
ensure qb-logs
ensure aj-inventory
ensure qb-traphouse
ensure qb-radio
ensure qb-drugs
ensure qb-shops
Config = {} -- Don't touch
local StringCharset = {} -- Don't touch
local NumberCharset = {} -- Don't touch
for i = 48, 57 do table.insert(NumberCharset, string.char(i)) end -- Don't touch
for i = 65, 90 do table.insert(StringCharset, string.char(i)) end -- Don't touch
for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(StringCharset, string.char(i)) end -- Don't touch
Config.RandomStr = function(length) -- Don't touch
if length > 0 then
return Config.RandomStr(length-1) .. StringCharset[math.random(1, #StringCharset)]
return ''
Config.RandomInt = function(length) -- Don't touch
if length > 0 then
return Config.RandomInt(length-1) .. NumberCharset[math.random(1, #NumberCharset)]
return ''
Config.VendingObjects = { -- Props which will be considered as vending machines
Config.BinObjects = { -- Props which will be considered as trash bins
Config.VendingItem = { -- Shop inventory for vending machines
[1] = {
name = "kurkakola", -- Item name
price = 4, -- Price per item
amount = 50, -- Stock amount
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 1, -- Inventory slot item will be displayed
[2] = {
name = "water_bottle",
price = 4,
amount = 50,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
Config.CraftingItems = { -- Crafting recipes
[1] = {
name = "lockpick", -- Item which will be gained from crafting
amount = 50, -- Limit
info = {},
costs = { -- Requirements for crafting
["metalscrap"] = 22,
["plastic"] = 32,
type = "item",
slot = 1,
threshold = 0,
points = 1,
[2] = {
name = "screwdriverset",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 30,
["plastic"] = 42,
type = "item",
slot = 2,
threshold = 0,
points = 2,
[3] = {
name = "electronickit",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 30,
["plastic"] = 45,
["aluminum"] = 28,
type = "item",
slot = 3,
threshold = 0,
points = 3,
[4] = {
name = "radioscanner",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["electronickit"] = 2,
["plastic"] = 52,
["steel"] = 40,
type = "item",
slot = 4,
threshold = 0,
points = 4,
[5] = {
name = "gatecrack",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 10,
["plastic"] = 50,
["aluminum"] = 30,
["iron"] = 17,
["electronickit"] = 1,
type = "item",
slot = 5,
threshold = 120,
points = 5,
[6] = {
name = "handcuffs",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 36,
["steel"] = 24,
["aluminum"] = 28,
type = "item",
slot = 6,
threshold = 160,
points = 6,
[7] = {
name = "repairkit",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 32,
["steel"] = 43,
["plastic"] = 61,
type = "item",
slot = 7,
threshold = 200,
points = 7,
[8] = {
name = "pistol_ammo",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 50,
["steel"] = 37,
["copper"] = 26,
type = "item",
slot = 8,
threshold = 250,
points = 8,
[9] = {
name = "ironoxide",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["iron"] = 60,
["glass"] = 30,
type = "item",
slot = 9,
threshold = 300,
points = 9,
[10] = {
name = "aluminumoxide",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["aluminum"] = 60,
["glass"] = 30,
type = "item",
slot = 10,
threshold = 300,
points = 10,
[11] = {
name = "armor",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["iron"] = 33,
["steel"] = 44,
["plastic"] = 55,
["aluminum"] = 22,
type = "item",
slot = 11,
threshold = 350,
points = 11,
[12] = {
name = "drill",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["iron"] = 50,
["steel"] = 50,
["screwdriverset"] = 3,
["advancedlockpick"] = 2,
type = "item",
slot = 12,
threshold = 1750,
points = 12,
Config.AttachmentCrafting = { -- Attachment crafting recipes
["location"] = {x = 88.91, y = 3743.88, z = 40.77, h = 66.5, r = 1.0}, -- Marker location
["items"] = {
[1] = {
name = "pistol_extendedclip", -- Item which will be gained from crafting
amount = 50, -- Limit
info = {},
costs = { -- Requirements for crafting
["metalscrap"] = 140,
["steel"] = 250,
["rubber"] = 60,
type = "item",
slot = 1,
threshold = 0,
points = 1,
[2] = {
name = "pistol_suppressor",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 165,
["steel"] = 285,
["rubber"] = 75,
type = "item",
slot = 2,
threshold = 10,
points = 2,
[3] = {
name = "rifle_extendedclip",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 190,
["steel"] = 305,
["rubber"] = 85,
["smg_extendedclip"] = 1,
type = "item",
slot = 7,
threshold = 25,
points = 8,
[4] = {
name = "rifle_drummag",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 205,
["steel"] = 340,
["rubber"] = 110,
["smg_extendedclip"] = 2,
type = "item",
slot = 8,
threshold = 50,
points = 8,
[5] = {
name = "smg_flashlight",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 230,
["steel"] = 365,
["rubber"] = 130,
type = "item",
slot = 3,
threshold = 75,
points = 3,
[6] = {
name = "smg_extendedclip",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 255,
["steel"] = 390,
["rubber"] = 145,
type = "item",
slot = 4,
threshold = 100,
points = 4,
[7] = {
name = "smg_suppressor",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 270,
["steel"] = 435,
["rubber"] = 155,
type = "item",
slot = 5,
threshold = 150,
points = 5,
[8] = {
name = "smg_scope",
amount = 50,
info = {},
costs = {
["metalscrap"] = 300,
["steel"] = 469,
["rubber"] = 170,
type = "item",
slot = 6,
threshold = 200,
points = 6,
MaxInventorySlots = 41 -- Player inventory slot amount
BackEngineVehicles = { -- Vehicles which has its engine on back side of the vehicle
Config.MaximumAmmoValues = { -- Weapon specific maximum ammo count
["pistol"] = 250,
["smg"] = 250,
["shotgun"] = 200,
["rifle"] = 250,