Andriod app/Python REST API to collect mobile health information
This was written as a computer science/bioinfomatics research project to facilitate the collection of data of health issues including the effects of taking opioid drugs. This is a Proof of Concept app/system and is not in production. This file will serve as a space for me to collect information on how I put this system together and may serve as a reference for anyone trying to do something similar.
The app is built to run on a tablet running Android 4.4 or later and the API is written using Python 3.5 and runs the web app framework Flask to act as a RESTful interface between the mobile app and the POSTGRESQL database.
The Python application and data models and requirements.txt file are located in the folder named "python-files"
The rest of the code is for the mobile application.
The server is running on a free-tier Amazon EC2 instance with Ubuntu 16.04 as the operating system.
After starting up the fresh Ubuntu image issue the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
These next two commands install the POSTGRESQL server and additional developer libraries
sudo apt-get install postresql-9.5
sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.5
To quickly install all of the required libraries to run the Flask server, use the requirements.txt file as input to pip3 with the following command:
sudo pip3 install –r requirements.txt
Switch to the user "postgres" to create the database and view the contents (or use a GUI tool if your situation supports it! :P)
sudo su - postgres
createdb yourdbname
Next create a user who will own the database we just created
createuser --encrypted --login --pwprompt your_username
is an interactive terminal for the POSTGRESQL database
I used Android Studio to write the mobile app so you can clone or download this repository and just import it into Android Studio.
Again, the folder named "python-files" just contains scripts I wrote for the server and are not a part of the Android app so those can be removed from the folder you download this project to before importing to to Android Studio.