IsaacSaveManager - v2.1.4
- Fix saveslot load saving to other save files
- Fix data not being loaded back on exit & continue
- Fix data within debug rooms being removed if triggered before POST_NEW_ROOM
- Pickups now have NoRerollSaveBackup and InitSeedBackup when a change in their InitSeed is made. If they happen to go back to the same InitSeed in the next InitSeed change, notably with Flip, it will restore NoRerollSave with the backup instead of resetting it.
- Fix Moving Box checking previous room's data instead of current room's.
- Fix save data not being loaded for the roomFloor save in the current room after you fully exit the game and continue the run.
- Leftover entity data check (data for entities that no longer exist by the next room) now also runs for the roomFloor save instead of just the room save.
- Warnings for uninitialized/unloaded data when retrieving save data are not printed when using the "Try" functions, however they still apply.
- Fix Treasure and Boss Room Ascent data not being retained. (For right now, only works for pickups. Will add slots and grid ents soon)
- Fix roomFloor data for the room being lost when you end up in the same room upon triggering a room change.
- When checking which ListIndex to look at for data storage in roomFloor saves, it now looks at the current one by default instead of the last one. POST_ENTITY_REMOVE will trigger to look at the last index if the room's framecount is 0, the game is paused, and the manually tracked ListIndex hasn't been updated yet. Any INIT functions will turn this check off.
- Callbacks now use a custom defined Callback Priority, stored in SaveManager.Utility.CallbackPriority. This is to further help the save callbacks taking place earlier/later for loading/saving data, notably with other mods that have their own priority callbacks.
- SaveManager's custom callbacks can now be ran through the traditional method of ModReference:AddCallback. SaveManager.AddCallback is still present.
- Code for managing rerolls/flip has been moved to INIT instead of UPDATE so it can be accessed at that point.
IsaacSaveManager - v2.1.4a
- Fix hourglassBackup being nil if you continued a run when save data is created for the first time