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The WebPageTest Crawler, crawls through the website to fetch URLs and then runs test on them. Level and URL limit can be given.
Requires node, npm.
Once you have cloned the project run npm install
to install dependencies.
npm install
There are 3 main config values : -
- wpt_api_key - WebPageTest API Key. Get yours here
- level - integer value, specifies maximum depth the crawler should crawl.
- url_limit - integer value, specifies maximum limit of URLs need to tested. Note : - Crawling stops if either of them reaches a limit.
You can add your initial set of URLs to the startingUrls.txt file by seperating them using a coma.
Start the node-server by running npm start
npm start
Booyah, once the crawl-testing is complete you'll have a report.csv file which includes performance details of the URLs crawled.
You can the project as npm module as well.
npm i https://github.com/abdulsuhail/wpt-crawler.git
npx wpt-crawler -k "wpt_api_key" -f "./startingUrls.txt"
npx wpt-crawler -h