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Plugin description

  • Generate entity/repository class for JPA/Lombok/Spring Data JPA.
  • Generate entity/repository class for JPA/Lombok/Spring Data JPA.
  • Support internationalization. Currently supported languages are English, 简体中文.
  • Support all databases.
  • Support generate source code from Database plugin
  • Support custom generate code template
    • Available template directory
      • Module template directory: {module}/.idea/JPA Support/template
      • Project template directory: {project}/.idea/JPA Support/template
      • Home template directory: {user.home}/.JPA Support/template
    • Available templates
      • Controller.vm
      • DTO.vm
      • JpaEntity.vm
      • JpaRepository.vm
      • MapperXml.vm
      • MybatisGenerateConfig.vm
      • QueryVO.vm
      • SaveVO.vm
      • Service.vm
      • Service-MybatisPlus.vm
      • Service-TkMybatis.vm
      • UpdateVO.vm
  • Support custom db type mapping
  • Mac: Command + N or Windows: Alt + Insert and select Jpa Entities


Active Plugin

  1. Way 1 Generate JPA Entities
    Way 1

  2. Way 2 -> Edit area right click Generate JPA Entities

Way 2

  1. Database right click


IDEA Ultimate only

  1. Hot key
  • Mac: Command + N
  • Windows: Alt + Insert


  1. Step 1

Step 1

  1. Step 2

Step 2

  1. Step 3

Step 3

Other settings

  1. Custom template

Custom template

  1. Custom type mapping

Custom type mapping

Related articles

  1. Use Tutorial Video YouTube

