- In order to compile the model, you need to execute the python script Makefile.py
- You can modify the compilation options to your liking. Right now, it's for ifort.
- There are some files with the time evolution of the radius and some other quantities for brown-dwarfs (mass_xx.xxxx.dat, where xx.xxxx is the mass of the BD in Jupiter mass, i.e., 40.0000 corresponds to a 40 Mjup BD, or 0.04 Msun as you prefer; and rg2BD.dat with the moment of inertia informations), for a 0.1 Msun Mdwarf (01Msun.dat), for a 1 Sun-mass star (SRad_Spli_M-1_0000.dat).
- user_module.f90 is the place where tides are implemented
- tides_constant_GR.f90 is the file where the tidal parameters are and where the initialization is done. If you modify this file, you have to re-compile.
- There are 2 IDL scripts to charge and plot the data (charge_comp and script_plot_comp).
There is a makespin.sh script to create .dat files out of the .out files (spin.out, horb.out, dEdt.out). It also executes element.in to have the PLANETi.aei files. This is used typically when you want to check a running simulation.
- All the rest can be used as the normal Mercury code.
- A Mecury-T manual and the original publication related to this program can be found in /docs/.
- Changed compiler to G95 in Makefile.py. G95 is free compiler that can be found here. Make sure to add it to your path.