Prediction of the Most Fire-Sensitive Point in Building Structures with Differentiable Agents for Thermal Simulators
- Google Drive
is the unfiltered labeled dataset. It includes 3,000 structures and their gravity simulation results as well as 30 fire case simulation for each structure.drs4v2
is the unfiltered unlabeled dataset. It includes 30,000 structures and their gravity simulation results.
- to generate dataset, you may need:
- opensees:
- pandas
- to run or train the neural networks, you may need:
- pytorch
- pytorch_geometric
- before running, rename the
and edit thebasedir
as the absolute path of your working directory.
Generate geometry by
OpenSees Simulation by
- for the saved
file, it is supposed to contain the following information
attribute_name meannning comment x node features: the coordinates and indices: $[x_i, y_i, z_i, h_i]$ dim: (N_node, 4) y drift ratio for each node dim: (N_node, 1) edge_index the starting and ending nodes' number of each edge dim: (2, N_edge) edge_attr edge features: ['Es', 'Fy', 'b', 'length', 'h', 'gravity_param', 'direction_x', 'direction_y', 'direction_z'] dim: (N_edge, 9) model_number model number scaler, normal int, not torch tensor fire_number fire number (corresponding to file) scaler, normal int, not torch tensor fire_point coordinates of the fire: $[x_0, y_0, z_0, h_0]$ dim: (4) fire_room_index fire room indices: $[w_i, d_i, h_i]$ dim: (3) unit_lengths unit width, unit depth, unit height, in mm dim: (3) node_indices node indices: $[w_i, d_i, h_i]$ dim: (N_node, 3) drift_ratio_node_ranking ranking of each node by node's drift ratio, descending dim: (N_node, 1) drift_ratio_ranking ranking of the maximum drift ratio of each graph scaler, torch.long max_drift_ratio max of y scaler tensor max_level max of x[:,3] scaler tensor - for the saved
Then in
, the dataset was filtered by the maximum interstory drift ratio under gravity (also filter ou those obviously unreliable data). -
The scripts in data_generation folder now only present the generation of labeled dataset. Functions to generate unlabeled is a subset of that to generate labeled dataset.
- As the filenames indicate, there are
scripts, they are for trainning the NN models - Then the
scripts are to evaluate these models together.
- to train a MFSP predictor and to evaluate it.