Capture picam image every 5 minutes. Cleanup "redundant images". Organize captures by date. Present them as mjpg or jpg via a web interface.
- currently we use a raspi3 build of perceptualdiff.
this requires that you install libfreeimage-dev
sudo apt-get install libfreeimage-dev
- need to install ffmpeg for timelapse support
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
(tried to use the opencv video capability, didn't work with frc image).
- install pigpio and node binding, pigpio
% sudo apt-get install pigpio
% npm install pigpio
read docs for api details
need to statically mount a larger disk drive. We currently employ a exfat usb stick. Auto-mounting instructions :
% sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse % sudo apt-get install exfat-utils % sudo blkid (to obtain the UUID) % sudo mkdir /mnt/thumb1 % sudo vi /etc/fstab (might want to back it up first) > UUID=64A5-F009 /mnt/thumb1 exfat defaults,nofail 0 0
% dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors
% eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors0
- we use pigpio library since it's "more real time" which is important for pwm.
- downside is that it must run as root, but it does support a daemon mode
- daemon listen on port 8888 for commands
- daemon installation:
sudo systemctl enable|disable pigpiod sudo systemctl start|stop pigpiod
- parameter/ctl file is here: /lib/systemd/system/pigpiod.service
- pinouts here
- to prevent low-power warnings, power the servos via separate usb brick.
- tie server-usb ground to raspi ground on GPIO GND pin (3rd pin down from top-right)
- Each servo gets a signal AND ground from PI
- PAN: GPIO-13 (4th pin from bottom left) and GND (4th from bottom right)
- TILT: GPIO-5 and GND (6th pin from bottom left and right) (pan and tilt are assumed by pantilt.cpp)