^ programmer's guide | std classes | basic ugen
IO | FileIO | StdOut/StdError
OscIn | OscOut | OscMsg
Hid | HidMsg | SerialIO
MidiIn | MidiOut |
MidiMsg | MidiFileIn
is a subclass of Event that also serves
as a base class for various means to communicate non-audio information
with external devices and processes. Thus, methods here are generally
to be thought of a "pure virtual" and whose meaning depends on the
IO.constants | Description |
int INT16 |
number of bytes in this type |
int INT32 |
number of bytes in this type |
int INT8 |
number of bytes in this type |
enumeration constant |
enumeration constant |
int READ_INT16 |
enumeration constant |
int READ_INT32 |
enumeration constant |
int READ_INT8 |
enumeration constant |
IO.functions | Description |
static string newline() |
n/a |
static string nl() |
n/a |
static string newlineEx2VistaHWNDVisualFoxProA |
n/a |
void close() |
close the IO dchanngel/a |
int eof() |
n/a |
void flush() |
flush the output buffers |
int good() |
n/a |
int mode(), mode(int flag) |
Get/set the mode. |
int more() |
n/a |
int readInt(int flags) |
read and return an int |
string readLine(int flags) |
read and return a line of text |
void write(string val) |
write a string |
void write(int val) |
write an int |
void write(float val) |
write a float |
is a subclass of IO and Event
that implements basic file system reading and writing.
FileIO.constants | Description |
int APPEND |
enumeration constant |
int ASCII |
enumeration constant |
int BINARY |
enumeration constant |
int READ |
enumeration constant |
int WRITE |
enumeration constant |
FileIO.functions | Description |
void close() |
closes the open file |
string[] dirList() |
returns the list of filenames in the opened directory |
int eof() |
returns 1 if the current file location is at the end |
void flush() |
flushes the output buffer associated with the open (and writing file) |
int good() |
returns 1 if the current FileIO state is valid |
int isDir() |
returns 1 is the current open file is a directory |
int mode(), mode(int flag) |
Get/set the current file mode |
int more() |
Indicates whether there is more to read in the current file. |
int open(string path) |
opens for reading the file or directory given by path. Returns 1 on success. |
int open(string path, int flags) |
opens the file or directory given by path according to the mode flags. Returns 1 on success. |
int readInt(int flags) |
reads and returns an int from the currently opened file |
string readLine(int flags) |
read and return a line of text |
void seek(int pos) |
move the current file position to the requested position |
int size() |
return the size of the currently openen file |
int tell() |
return the current file position |
void write(string val) |
write a string to the currently opened file |
void write(int val) |
write an int to the currently opened file |
void write(int val, int flags) |
write an int to the currently opened file |
void write(float val) |
write a float to the currently opened file |
See write2.ck, read-line.ck
and StdErr
are subclasses of IO and
Event that implements basic output via
the standard output channel or the standard output error channel
associated with the chuck
StdOut.functions |
void close() |
int eof() |
void flush() |
int good() |
int mode(int flag) |
int mode() |
int more() |
int readInt(int flags) |
string readLine() |
void write(string val) |
void write(int val) |
void write(float val) |
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a communication protocol for networking sythesizers, ChucK instances, computers or other multimedia devices for purposes such as musical performance or show control.
ChucK offers three related classes for OSC interoperability.
is a subclass of IO and Event
that implements basic reading of one or more OSC I/O channels.
The mechanics of OscIn are:
- instantiate OscIn and OsgMsg objects
- establish the port
- express interest in an osc address (endpoint)
- use Events to wait on activity
- receive the OscMsg when it arrives
- interpret and act upon the OscMsg contents
OscIn.fuctions | Description |
void addAddress(string address) |
Add the IP address of a OSC broadcaster to our listening queue |
void listenAll() |
int port(), port(int port) |
Get/set the TCP/UDP port |
int recv(OscMsg msg) |
read an OscMsg from a socket |
void removeAddress(string address) |
Remove the IP address from the listening queue. |
void removeAllAddresses() |
remove all addresses from our listening queue |
See osc/r.ck.
is a subclass of IO and Event
that implements basic writing to OSC I/O channels. You can choose to
broadcast to any hosts or to a specific host.
The mechanics of OscOut are:
- instantiate an OscOut object
- identify a msg target and msg method via
(ie: an OSC endpoint) - emit the fields of the msg via
- emit
OscOut.fuctions |
OscOut add(int i) |
OscOut add(float f) |
OscOut add(string s) |
OscOut dest(string host, int port) |
OscOut send() |
OscOut start(string method) |
OscOut start(string method, string host, int port) |
See osc/s.ck.
is produced by the OscIn recv
methods and represents the
payload of a single OSC transmission.
OscMsg.members |
string address |
OscArg[] args |
string typetag |
OscMsg.methods |
float getFloat(int i) |
int getInt(int i) |
string getString(int i) |
int numArgs() |
See OSC_dump.ck to see OSC msg parsing in action.
Your computer connects over USB to communicate with HIDs like a mouse, keyboard or joystick. ChucK can intercept these msgs from your devices and these can trigger Events in your programs.
is a subclass of Event and this makes
it easy to asynchronously await events triggered by your devices.
See mouse.ck, keyboard.ck
Hid.functions | Hid.constants |
static dur globalTiltPollRate(dur d) |
static dur globalTiltPollRate() |
static int[] readTiltSensor() |
static int startCursorTrack() |
static int stopCursorTrack() |
int can_wait() |
int good() |
string name() |
int num() |
int open(int type, int num) |
int open(string name) |
int openJoystick(int num) |
int LED |
int openKeyboard(int num) |
int MOUSE |
int openMouse(int num) |
int openTiltSensor() |
void printerr(int print_or_not) |
int TABLET |
int read(int type, int which, HidMsg msg) |
int recv(HidMsg msg) |
int send(HidMsg msg) |
is used to receive and encapsulate HID device messages.
Different devices return different data, so a certain amount of
device-targeting is inevitable in your ChucK programs. The HidMsg
methods can narrow down the source of an individual HID message.
This information is crucial in determining which of the HidMsg
contain the data of interest.
HidMsg.functions |
int isAxisMotion() |
int isButtonDown() |
int isButtonUp() |
int isHatMotion() |
int isMouseMotion() |
int isWheelMotion() |
int is_axis_motion() |
int is_button_down() |
int is_button_up() |
int is_hat_motion() |
int is_mouse_motion() |
HidMsg.members |
int ascii |
float axisPosition |
int axis_position |
int cursorX |
int cursorY |
int deltaX |
int deltaY |
int deviceNum |
int deviceType |
float fdata |
int hatPosition |
int idata |
int key |
float scaledCursorX |
float scaledCursorY |
float scaled_axis_position |
float touchSize |
float touchX |
float touchY |
int type |
time when |
int which |
int x |
int y |
int z |
is a subclass of IO and Event.
It handles reading and writing for serial input/output devices, such as Arduino.
byte.ck, bytes.ck, ints-bin.ck, ints.ck, lines.ck, list.ck, write-bytes.ck, write.ck,
SerialIO.constants |
int ASCII |
int BINARY |
int B230400 |
int B115200 |
int B76800 |
int B57600 |
int B38400 |
int B28800 |
int B19200 |
int B14400 |
int B9600 |
int B7200 |
int B4800 |
int B2400 |
SerialIO.functions | Description |
__`static string[] list() | Return list of available serial devices. |
int baudRate(), baudRate(int r) |
Get/set baud rate. |
void close() |
int dataAvailable() |
void flush() |
Flush the IO buffer. |
int getByte() |
Get next requested byte. |
int[] getBytes() |
Get next requested number of bytes. |
int[] getInts() |
Get next requested number of integers. |
string getLine() |
Get next requested line. |
SerialIO onByte() |
Wait for one byte (binary mode only). |
SerialIO onBytes(int num) |
Wait for requested number of bytes (binary mode only). |
SerialIO onFloats(int num) |
Wait for requested number of floats (ASCII or binary mode). |
SerialIO onInts(int num) |
Wait for requested number of ints (ASCII or binary mode). |
SerialIO onLine() |
Wait for one line (ASCII mode only). |
int open(int i, int baud, int mode) |
Open serial device i with specified baud rate and mode (binary or ASCII). |
string readLine() |
void writeByte(int b) |
Write a single byte. |
void writeBytes(int[] b) |
Write array of bytes. |
is a subclass of Event that allows
your ChucK program to be triggers by connected Midi devices.
See gomidi.ck, playmidi.ck, polyphony.ck,
MidiIn.functions | Description |
int can_wait() |
int good() |
string name() |
Return the Midi device's name as string. |
int num() |
int open(int port) |
Open Midi device using a port number. |
int open(string name) |
Open Midi device using the device's name. |
void printerr(int print_or_not) |
Set error printing (1 for on, 0 for off). On by default. |
int recv(MidiMsg msg) |
receive a MidiMsg for action/interpretation |
is a subclass of Object and
allows you to generate Midi events for consumption by an attached
Midi device.
See midiout.ck, gomidi2.ck,
MidiOut.functions | Description |
int good() |
string name() |
Return the Midi device's name as string. |
int num() |
int open(int port) |
Open Midi device using a port number. |
int open(string name) |
Open Midi device using the device's name. |
void printerr(int print_or_not) |
Set error printing (1 for on, 0 for off). On by default. |
int send(MidiMsg msg) |
Send out a MidiMsg message. |
is a subclass of Object and encapsulates
data about a single Midi message.
MidiMsg.members | Description |
int data1 |
First byte of a Midi message, usually a status byte or command byte. |
int data2 |
Second byte of a Midi message, usually a note value. |
int data3 |
Third byte of a Midi message, usually a velocity value. |
dur when |
Relative time at which the msg occurs. Used to synchronize multiple msgs with one aother. |
See playmidi.ck
is a subclass of Object and facilitates
the reading of a standard midi file.
MidiFileIn.functions | Description |
void close() |
n/a |
int numTracks() |
n/a |
int open(string path) |
n/a |
int read(MidiMsg msg) |
n/a |
int read(MidiMsg msg, int track) |
n/a |
void rewind() |
n/a |
See playmidi.ck