In addition to the built-in timing mechanisms for internal control, ChucK has an Event class to allow exact synchronization across an arbitrary number of shreds.
ChucK events are a native class within the ChucK language. We can
create an event objects, and then chuck (=>
) that event to now
The event places the current shred on the event's waiting list,
suspends the current shred (letting time advance from that shred's
point of view). When the the event is triggered, one or more of the
shreds on its waiting list is shreduled to run immediately. This
trigger may originate from another ChucK shred, or from activities
taking place outside the Virtual Machine (MIDI, OSC, or IPC).
// declare event
Event e;
// function for shred
fun void eventshred( Event event, string msg )
// infinite loop
while ( true )
// wait on event
event => now;
// print
<<< msg >>>;
// create shreds
spork ~ eventshred ( e, "fee" );
spork ~ eventshred ( e, "fi" );
spork ~ eventshred ( e, "fo" );
spork ~ eventshred ( e, "fum" );
// infinite time loop
while ( true )
// either signal or broadcast
if( maybe )
<<< "signaling..." >>>;
<<< "broadcasting..." >>>;
// advance time
0.5::second => now;
Chucking an event to now suspends the current shred, letting time advance:
// declare Event
Event e;
// ...
// wait on the event
e => now;
// after the event is trigger
<<< "I just woke up" >>>;
As shown above, events can be triggered in two ways.
releases the first shred in that event's queue, and shredules it to run at the current time, respecting the order in which shreds were added to the queue.
// signal one shred waiting on the event e
releases all shreds queued by that event, in the order they were added, and at the same instant in time.
// wake up all shreds waiting on the event e
The released shreds are shreduled to run immediately. But of course
they will respect other shreds also shreduled to run at the same time.
Furthermore, the shred that called signal()
or broadcast()
continue to run until it advances time itself, or yield the Virtual Machine
without advancing time. (see me.yield()
in concurrency).
ChucK contains built-in MIDI classes to allow for interaction with MIDI based software or devices.
MidiIn min;
MidiMsg msg;
// open midi receiver, exit on fail
if ( !min.open(0) ) me.exit();
while( true )
// wait on midi event
min => now;
// receive midimsg(s)
while( min.recv( msg ) )
// print content
<<< msg.data1, msg.data2, msg.data3 >>>;
is a subclass of Event
, and as such can be ChucKed to
. MidiIn then takes a MidiMsg object to its .recv()
method to
access the MIDI data.
As a default, MidiIn events trigger the broadcast()
event behavior.
In addition to MIDI, ChucK has OSC communication classes as well:<
// create our OSC receiver listening to port 6449
OscRecv orec;
6449 => orec.port;
// start listening (launch thread)
function void rate_control_shred()
// create an address in the receiver
// and store it in a new variable.
orec.event("/sndbuf/buf/rate,f") @=> OscEvent rate_event;
while ( true )
// wait for events to arrive.
rate_event => now;
// grab the next message from the queue.
while( rate_event.nextMsg() != 0 )
// getFloat fetches the expected float
// as indicated in the type string ",f"
buf.play( rate_event.getFloat() );
0 => buf.pos;
The OscRecv
class listens for incoming OSC packets on the specified port.
Each instance of OscRecv can create OscEvent
objects using its event()
method to listen for packets at any valid OSC Address pattern.
An OscEvent
object can then be ChucKed to now to wait for messages to arrive,
after which the nextMsg()
and get{Float|String|Int}()
methods can be used
to fetch message data.
Events, like any other class, can be subclassed to add functionality and transmit data:
// extended event
class TheEvent extends Event
int value;
// the event
TheEvent e;
// handler
fun int hi( TheEvent event )
while( true )
// wait on event
event => now;
// get the data
<<< e.value >>>;
// spork
spork ~ hi( e );
spork ~ hi( e );
spork ~ hi( e );
spork ~ hi( e );
// infinite time loop
while( true )
// advance time
1::second => now;
// set data
Math.rand2( 0, 5 ) => e.value;
// signal one waiting shred