Remove the logic from your compiled code so people can build off it without the worry of them stealing your code
java -jar APICreator.jar -i path/to/jarOrClass
--input, -i -> Input .jar or .class file (always required) { String }
--output, -o -> Output file path (Default: API-{inputFileName}) { String }
--overwrite [false] -> Whether or not to overwrite the output if it already exists
--cleaner, -c [ASM_OW2] -> The cleaner library to use { Value should be one of [noop_asm_ow2, asm_ow2, proguard] }
--options -> The cleaner options to use { Value should be one of [keep_kotlin_inline_metadata, keep_private, remove_kotlin_headers, remove_annotation_defaults, remove_non_class_files] }
--help, -h -> Usage info
fun doAThing() {
println("I do this thing")
Turns into
fun doAThing() {}
private fun doAThing() {
println("I do this thing")
Gets deleted since it's private