The ClickTale modules adds the ability to do deep web analysis and screen recording on any page on your website. You can toggle tracking on and off each page in the ClickTale tab.
For more information about the ClickTale Integration Module see (
- Cam Findlay ([email protected])
- SilverStripe 2.4+.
- A ClickTale Account (
- The latest ClickTale Integration Module put inside the ./lib/ folder (
Make sure to name your module folder "clicktale" (all lowercase).
###Add to your templates Add the following to the very top of your *.ss template:
<% if ClickTaleTrack %> $ClickTaleTop <% end_if %>
And to the very bottom:
<% if ClickTaleTrack %> $ClickTaleBottom <% end_if %>
###Make folders writable Make sure that the folders "Cache" and "Logs" inside "/clicktale/lib/ are writable (chmod 777).
##Testing and debugging you installation
Test your installation is set up correctly by going to the URL
Correct any items that show up with red boxes.
##Debug Mode add ?ct=debug to bring up a debugging window.
##Enable/Disable ClickTale for your IP address If you would rather your hits on pages are not logged by ClickTale:
- Add ?ct=disable to any url where ClickTale is present.
- To enable again add ?ct=enable
- YOu can conbine actions with debugging e.g. ?ct=disable,debug etc